Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
- Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
born Dec. 11, 1843, Clausthal, Hannover
died May 27, 1910, Baden-Baden, Ger.
German physician.
As the first to isolate the anthrax bacillus,
observe its life cycle,
and develop a preventive inoculation for it,
he was the first to prove a causal relationship between a bacillus and a disease.
He perfected pure-
culture techniques,
based on Louis Pasteur'
s concept.
He isolated the tuberculosis organism and established its role in the disease (
In 1883 he discovered the causal organism for cholera and how it is transmitted and also developed a vaccination for rinderpest.
s postulates remain fundamental to pathology: the organism should always be found in sick animals and never in healthy ones;
it must be grown in pure culture;
the cultured organism must make a healthy animal sick;
and it must be reisolated from the newly sick animal and recultured and still be the same.
Awarded a Nobel Prize in 1905,
he is considered a founder of bacteriology.
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