Ivory, James (Francis)

Ivory, James (Francis)
born June 7, 1928, Berkeley, Calif., U.S.

U.S. film director.

While directing a documentary on India in the 1960s, he met a local producer, Ismail N. Merchant (b. 1936), beginning cinema's longest-lasting partnership. They made several films written by Ivory and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala before their first international success, Shakespeare Wallah (1965). It was followed by a series of well-received adaptations of noted literary works, including The Europeans (1979), The Bostonians (1984), A Room with a View (1986, Academy Award), Maurice (1987), Howards End (1992), and The Remains of the Day (1993). Ivory's films were noted for their attention to period detail and excellent acting.

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  • James Ivory — James Francis Ivory (* 7. Juni 1928 in Berkeley (Kalifornien)) ist ein US amerikanischer Filmregisseur. Der Sohn einer wohlhabenden Holzhändler Familie wuchs in Oregon auf. Er besuchte die USC Film School, wo er auch seinen ersten Dokumentarfilm… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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