Ishmael ben Elisha

Ishmael ben Elisha
flourished 2nd century AD

Jewish scholar.

Born into a wealthy priestly family, he was taken captive by the Roman legions that sacked Jerusalem in AD 70, but he was ransomed by his former teacher and was sent back to Palestine to study. Ishmael founded a rabbinic school and wrote commentaries on the Torah, developing 13 rules of exegesis based on the 7 rules of Hillel. Known for his simple, literal approach to biblical scholarship, he sought to relieve hardship for observant Jews in the interpretation of the Law. He is often portrayed in dispute with Akiba ben Joseph for what he saw as the latter's excessive interpretations of superficial biblical words or phrases.

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Jewish scholar

flourished 2nd century AD

      Jewish tanna (Talmudic (Talmud and Midrash) teacher) and sage who left an enduring imprint on Talmudic literature and on Judaism. He is generally referred to simply as Rabbi Ishmael.

      As a young child, Ishmael, whose parentage is not known but who traced his lineage through a high priest, was taken captive and transported to Rome when the second Temple was destroyed at Jerusalem. He was ransomed from Rome by the older tanna and sage, Rabbi Joshua (Joshua ben Hananiah), on one of the latter's trips there. Ishmael was taught by Rabbi Joshua, who reputedly had seen in him, even as a captive, great promise as a teacher of the Jews. He lived and taught in southern Palestine. He was a close colleague of Rabbi Akiba ( Akiba ben Joseph), who also had studied under Rabbi Joshua. Ishmael used set, rational rules and a simple, literal approach to Biblical exposition, and he occasionally upbraided Akiba for the latter's excessive interpretations of superficial Biblical words or phrases. As tanna he was held in affection for his human approach; one of his dicta was, “Receive all men joyfully.” He is remembered for his flexible approach to Judaic practice, and he interpreted the Law so as to mitigate rather than introduce hardship.

      Ishmael founded a Talmudic school, known simply asthe house of Ishmael,” that is credited with the Midrash, or commentary, on the book of Exodus, the Mekhilta (Measure), and the Sifre (a form of commentary) on Numbers and part of the Sifre on Deuteronomy. Ishmael himself refined the exegetical principles known as the Seven Rules of Hillel and amplified them to thirteen in number.

      The literature of the tanna period dealing with mysticism mentions Ishmael, and a number of mystical works are attributed to him, including several of the type known as maʿase bereshit (“work of creation”) and several in the genre of maʿase Merkava (“work of the chariot,” a reference to the divine chariot seen by the prophet in Ezekiel I). Maʿase bereshit dealt with mystical cosmology and cosmogony, while maʿase Merkava was the basic element of Jewish mysticism of the era. Ishmael is best remembered, however, for his work as tanna and exegete of the Torah.

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