International Refugee Organization (IRO)
- International Refugee Organization (IRO)
The IRO assisted refugees and displaced persons in Europe and Asia who could not or would not return home after World War II.
Taking over the work of its principal predecessor,
the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration,
it also assumed responsibility for the legal protection and resettlement of refugees previously carried out by the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees.
It was succeeded by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
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International Refugee Organization — The International Refugee Organization (IRO) was founded on August 20, 1946 to deal with the massive refugee problem created by World War II. A Preparatory Commission began operations fourteen months previously. It was a United Nations… … Wikipedia
International Refugee Organization — Die International Refugee Organization (IRO) war eine Behörde der Vereinten Nationen, die 1946 als Nachfolgeorganisation der United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) eingerichtet wurde. Sie war verantwortlich für die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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International Refugee Organization — ▪ historical UN agency (IRO), temporary specialized agency of the United Nations that, between its formal establishment in 1946 and its termination in January 1952, assisted refugees (refugee) and displaced persons in many countries of… … Universalium
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IRO — abbr. 1 (in the UK) Inland Revenue Office. 2 International Refugee Organization. * * * abbreviation inland revenue officer; internal revenue officer * * * International Refugee Organization. * * * abbrev 1. Inland Revenue Office 2. International… … Useful english dictionary
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