Ii Naosuke

Ii Naosuke
born Nov. 29, 1815, Hikone, Japan
died March 24, 1860, Edo [now Tokyo]

Japanese daimyo and statesman who made the last attempt to reassert the traditional political role of the shogunate (military ruler).

In response to Commodore Matthew Perry's demand that Japan end its centuries-old policy of isolation, Ii favoured developing relations. The Tokugawa shogun signed the Perry Convention (1854), which opened two ports to U.S. ships, exposing the country to Western influence, and began negotiations with Townsend Harris over trade. In an unusual move, the shogunate had sought the emperor's consent to the treaty; when antitreaty forces blocked approval, Ii, as head of the shogunal governing body, authorized the signing. This outraged many daimyo; when Ii silenced them, he was beheaded by assassins. See also Tokugawa period; Meiji Restoration.

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Japanese feudal lord
born Nov. 29, 1815, Hikone, Japan
died March 24, 1860, Edo [now Tokyo]

      Japanese feudal lord and statesman who was responsible for Japan's signing the first treaty of commerce with the United States (1858), opening the country to Western influence, and for the last attempt at reasserting the traditional political role of the Tokugawa (the dynasty of Japan's military rulers) before its fall in 1867.

Ii and his family.
      The Ii family, from which he was descended, ruled the fief of Hikone and played an important part in the administration of the shogunsi.e., the military dictators who had in effect ruled Japan since the 12th century. The family owed its prominent position to its standing among the fudai daimyo, the barons who had helped the Tokugawa become shoguns in the early 17th century. When Ii Naosuke was born, the 14th son of Ii Naonaka, his father had already turned over power to his eldest son. After the father's death, all sons except the heir had by family custom to be adopted into other baronial families or else be reduced to the status of family retainer with a small stipend. The only son for whom an adoptive family could not be found, Ii devoted himself to his studies at an academy established by his family. As a samurai, a member of the warrior class, he was schooled in the arts of warfare, as well as in Japan's cultural traditions, and he developed into a strong-willed and independent individual.

      At 31, Ii's fortunes suddenly brightened when his brother's son died, and, ironically, as he was the only brother who had not been adopted, he was made heir apparent. When his brother died in 1850, Ii, then 35 years old, became lord of Hikone and thus acquired a base from which to project himself into national politics.

Arrival of Perry. (Perry, Matthew C)
      The arrival in 1853 of a U.S. flotilla under Commodore Matthew Perry produced a major crisis for the shogunate. Perry had been sent by his government to demand that the country abandon its traditional isolation and enter into relations with the outside world. The Tokugawa authorities, confronted with the display of superior U.S. power, broke with precedent and sought the advice of the feudal nobles. Ii Naosuke was among those who favoured developing relations with the West. He argued that, while Japan was not yet strong enough to defend itself against foreign aggression, foreign contact would eventually provide Japan with the strength necessary to reimpose a policy of isolation. Others, however, urged that the intruders should be repelled by force if necessary. Because the Tokugawa government did not have the military capability to repulse the Americans, it signed the Perry Convention (Kanagawa, Treaty of) of 1854, which opened two ports to U.S. ships needing supplies and repairs. The task of arranging for trade, not covered in the Perry Convention, fell to Townsend Harris (Harris, Townsend), who became the first U.S. consul to Japan.

      Trade proved to be a controversial issue because the proponents of continued isolation would not be silenced. The problem was compounded by a crisis in domestic politics centring on the choice of an heir apparent to the reigning shogun, Iesada, who was childless.

      There were two candidates with strong support. One was the shogun's first cousin, who was still a child. The other was a grown man of demonstrated ability, the son of Tokugawa Nariaki, who was only collaterally related to the shogun and not a member of the ruling group but who assiduously promoted the candidacy of his son. The shogun's cousin, on the other hand, was supported by the senior councillors (rōjū), a small group of fudai daimyo who had acquired policy-making power in the shogunate. This group, anxious to preserve its power position, preferred a child shogun. The stage was thus set for a struggle.

      Ii entered the conflict in 1858 when he assumed direct control of the government as honorary chief councillor (tairō), a position filled only intermittently, usually in crises. Before he took office, the shogunate had sought the imperial court's permission to sign the U.S. treaty, but antitreaty forces had succeeded in blocking approval. Ii authorized his negotiators to sign the treaty without waiting for Imperial permission. He had learned that, if it were delayed, Japan might have to make even greater concessions, since it appeared that Britain and France were likely to seek even more far-reaching treaties.

Succession to the shogunate.
      In the succession issue, Ii took a much more conservative position than in foreign affairs. Ignoring pressure from Nariaki and others to bring new groups into the policy-making machinery, he acted in favour of the fudai daimyo, who had appointed him, by promoting the shogun's cousin as heir apparent.

      In response, an angry delegation of barons led by Nariaki criticized Ii for having signed the treaty without the emperor's consent and demanded that Nariaki's son be made heir apparent to the shogun. Ii rejected these complaints and demands and purged the opposition. He placed Nariaki under house arrest, stripped other barons of their rank, and arrested and even executed some officials.

      Ii's victory proved short-lived. On March 24, 1860, Ii, accompanied by his retainers and bodyguards, was on his way to the shogun's castle when a band of armed followers of Nariaki waylaid them. Ii's bodyguards were unable to defend him, and the attackers cut off his head, ending his meteoric rise to power when he was only 45 years old. His bold leadership as tairō had secured for a time the stability of the shogunate and the continuity of Tokugawa rule; neither was to survive him for long.

Nobutaka Ike

Additional Reading
Two older books, Katsumaro Nakamura, Lord Ii Naosuké and the New Japan (1909); and H. Satoh, Agitated Japan: The Life of Baron Ii Kamon-ko-kami Naosuké (1896), both based on Japanese accounts, have not been superseded by more recent studies.

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