Ihara Saikaku

Ihara Saikaku
or Ibara Saikaku known as Saikaku orig. Hirayama Togo

born 1642, Ōsaka, Japan
died Sept. 9, 1693, Ōsaka

Japanese poet and novelist.

He first won fame for his speed in composing haikai (humorous linked-verse poems), once producing 23,500 in a day. He is best known for his novels, including The Life of an Amorous Man (1682) and Five Women Who Loved Love (1686) in which he enchanted readers with racy accounts of the amorous and financial affairs of the merchant class and the demimonde. He was one of the brilliant figures of the 17th-century revival in Japanese literature.

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Japanese author
Ihara also spelled  Ibara,  original name  probably Hirayama Tōgo 
born 1642, Ōsaka, Japan
died Sept. 9, 1693, Ōsaka

      poet and novelist, one of the most brilliant figures of the 17th-century revival of Japanese literature. He enchanted readers with racy accounts of the amorous and financial affairs of the merchant class and the demimonde.

      Saikaku first won fame for his amazing facility in composing haikai, humorous renga (linked-verse) poems from which the 17-syllable haiku was derived. In 1671 he turned out, ina day and a night,” 1,600 verses. Not satisfied with composing at the rate of one verse a minute, he steadily increased his prowess, reaching 4,000 in 24 hours in 1680 and the incredible figure of 23,500 in 1684. This was somewhat more than 16 haikai per minute, and the performance earned him the nickname of the20,000 poet.” Saikaku continued to write verse at more normal speeds, but his style was considered so bizarre that rival poets called itDutchto indicate its outlandishness.

      Saikaku is best known, however, for his novels, written in a swift, allusive, elliptic style that stems from his training as a haikai poet. Their content reflects, from many angles, Japanese society in a time when the merchant class had risen to such prominence that its tastes prevailed in the arts and the licensed pleasure quarters catered to its whims. Kōshoku ichidai otoko (1682; The Life of an Amorous Man), the first of Saikaku's many novels concerned with the pleasure quarters, relates the erotic adventures of its hero, Yonosuke, from his precocious experiences at the age of 6 to his departure at 60 for an island of women. Of other works in a similar vein, the best is thought to be Kōshoku gonin onna (1686; Five Women Who Loved Love).

      Saikaku also wrote novels about the samurai (aristocratic warrior caste), but they were generally considered inferior to his erotic tales or to such accounts of tradesmen's lives as Nihon Eitaigura (1688; The Japanese Family Storehouse), a collection of stories on how to make (or lose) a fortune. Whatever the subject, Saikaku's satiric humour and his knack of being able to seize the one detail that best evokes a person's character or milieu are always conspicuous. Although most at home in dealing with the lively atmosphere of Ōsaka, he wrote about all Japan. His Saikaku Shokoku Banashi (1685; “Saikaku's Tales from the Provinces”) records many stories picked up on his travels. His popularity was enormous throughout Japan, and his influence on fiction continued after his death.

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