Horthy Miklós (Nagybányai)
- Horthy Miklós (Nagybányai)
born June 18, 1868, Kenderes, Hung., Austria-Hungary
died Feb. 9, 1957, Estoril, Port.
Hungarian naval officer and regent (1920–44).
He served with distinction as a naval commander in World War I and was promoted to admiral in 1918.
In 1919 he led an army against the communist regime of Kun Béla .
In 1920 the Hungarian parliament voted to restore the monarchy and elected Horthy regent of Hungary,
but he thwarted the efforts of Charles IV to recover his throne.
He supported Germany in World War II,
though his efforts to extricate Hungary from the war led to his forced abdication and abduction by the Germans in 1944.
Released in 1945,
he retired to Portugal.
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Horthy, Miklós (Nagybányai) — (18 jun. 1868, Kenderes, Hungría, Austria Hungría–9 feb. 1957, Estoril, Portugal). Oficial naval y regente húngaro (1920–44). Sirvió con distinción como comandante naval en la primera guerra mundial y fue ascendido a almirante en 1918. En 1919… … Enciclopedia Universal
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Miklós Horthy — [ˈmikloːʃ ˈhorti] (amtlich ungarisch vitéz nagybányai Horthy Miklós, deutsch Ritter Nikolaus Horthy von Nagybánya; * 18. Juni 1868 in Kenderes, Komitat Jász Nagykun Szolnok (Österreich Ungarn); † 9. Februar 1957 in Estoril, Portugal) war… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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