Horkheimer, Max

Horkheimer, Max
born Feb. 14, 1895, Stuttgart, Ger.
died July 7, 1973, Nürnberg

German philosopher and social theorist.

He received his Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Frankfurt in 1922. In 1930 he became director of the university's newly founded Institute for Social Research. Under his leadership, the institute attracted an extraordinarily talented array of philosophers and social scientists, including Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse; collectively (with Horkheimer) they became known as the Frankfurt school. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Horkheimer moved the institute to New York City, where he directed it until 1941; he reestablished it in Frankfurt in 1950. In his 1937 essay "Traditional and Critical Theory," he contrasted what he considered the socially conformist orientation of traditional political philosophy and social science to the brand of critical Marxism favoured by the institute, an approach known as critical theory. His collaboration with Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), is a pessimistic work that traces the origins of fascism and other forms of totalitarianism to the Enlightenment concept of "instrumental" reason.

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German philosopher
born February 14, 1895, Stuttgart, Germany
died July 7, 1973, Nürnberg

      German philosopher who, as director of the Institute for Social Research (193041; 195058), developed an original interdisciplinary movement, known as critical theory, that combined Marxist-oriented political philosophy with social and cultural analysis informed by empirical research.

      Horkheimer studied philosophy at the University of Frankfurt, where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1922. In 1930, after four years as lecturer in social philosophy at Frankfurt, he was named director of the university's newly founded Institute for Social Research. Under his leadership, the institute attracted an extraordinarily talented array of philosophers and social scientistsincluding Theodor Adorno (Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund) (190369), Eric Fromm (Fromm, Erich) (190080), Leo Löwenthal (190093), Herbert Marcuse (Marcuse, Herbert) (18981979), and Franz Neumann (190054)—who (along with Horkheimer) came to be known collectively as the Frankfurt School. Horkheimer also served as editor of the institute's literary organ, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung (“Journal for Social Research”), which published pathbreaking studies in political philosophy and cultural analysis from 1932 to 1941.

      In the early years of its existence, Horkheimer described the institute's program asinterdisciplinary materialism,” thereby indicating its goal of integrating Marxist-oriented philosophy of history with the social sciences, especially economics, history, sociology, social psychology, and psychoanalysis. The resultingcritical theorywould elucidate the various forms of social control through which state-managed capitalism tended to defuse class conflict and integrate the working classes into the reigning economic system.

      The institute's first study in this vein, "Authority and the Family," was still incomplete when the Nazi seizure of power forced most members of the institute to flee Germany in 1933. Horkheimer moved to New York City, where he reestablished the institute and its journal at Columbia University. Throughout the remainder of the decade, he sought to keep the flame of critical theory burning by writing a number of programmatic essays for the Zeitschrift. Among the most influential of these works was "Traditional and Critical Theory" (1937), in which he contrasted what he considered the socially conformist orientation of traditional political philosophy and social science with the brand of critical Marxism favoured by the institute. According to Horkheimer, the traditional approaches are content to describe existing social institutions more or less as they are, and their analyses thus have the indirect effect of legitimating repressive and unjust social practices as natural or objective. By contrast, critical theory, through its detailed understanding of the larger historical and social context in which these institutions function, would expose the system's false claims to legitimacy, justice, and truth.

      In 1941 the institute, which had been beset by financial troubles, was effectively dissolved, and Horkheimer moved to Los Angeles. There he collaborated with Adorno on an influential study, Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947), which traced the rise of fascism and other forms of totalitarianism to the Enlightenment notion ofinstrumentalreason. The work's pessimism reflects the defeats that progressive European social movements had suffered since the early 1930s. A more accessible version of the book's argument also appeared in 1947 under the title The Eclipse of Reason. In 1950 Horkheimer returned to Frankfurt, where he reestablished the institute and ultimately became rector of the university. His later work displays his enduring fascination with the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (Schopenhauer, Arthur) (17881860) and the philosophy of religion (religion, philosophy of). Horkheimer felt that Schopenhauer's pessimistic social philosophy more faithfully reflected the lost prospects for utopia than did the more optimistic social theories of the postwar period.

Richard Wolin

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