Gustav V

Gustav V
orig. Oscar Gustaf Adolf

born June 16, 1858, Stockholm, Swed.
died Oct. 29, 1950, Stockholm

King of Sweden (190750).

The son of Oscar II (18291907), he entered the army and traveled widely before succeeding his father in 1907. In a period of expanding democracy within his country, Gustav proved a capable constitutional monarch. Though he favoured the Allies in World Wars I and II, he was a firm proponent of Swedish neutrality.

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king of Sweden
Swedish  in full Oscar Gustaf Adolf  
born June 16, 1858, Stockholm, Swed.
died Oct. 29, 1950, Stockholm
 king of Sweden from 1907 to 1950.

      The eldest son of King Oscar II and Sophie of Nassau, he was created duke of Värmland and from 1872 acted as crown prince. In 1881 he married Victoria, daughter of the grand duke Frederick I of Baden. Succeeding on his father's death (Dec. 8, 1907), he took as his mottoWith the people for the Fatherlandand proved a capable constitutional monarch in a period of expanding democracy within his country.

      During the Courtyard Crisis in February 1914, Gustav declared his support for demands that Sweden strengthen its defenses. He was accused of overstepping his authority, but, with wide popular support for his actions, he was able to force the resignation of the Liberal government that had decreased military expenditure. He appointed a Conservative government under the leadership of Hjalmar Hammarskjöld (Hammarskjöld, Hjalmar). After World War I, Gustav accepted his position as a constitutional monarch as a consequence of the full emergence of parliamentary government and the franchise reforms in 1917 and 1918.

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