Guarneri, Andrea

Guarneri, Andrea
Italian musical-instrument maker.

He apprenticed with Nicolò Amati from 1641 to 1654 (see Amati family). Setting up his own shop in Cremona, he made violas and cellos as well as violins. His sons Pietro (16551720) and Giuseppe (16661740?) worked with their father; by 1683 Pietro had moved to Mantua and set up his own business, though he made few instruments. Giuseppe inherited the Cremona business from his father in 1698. During his lifetime, Andrea Guarneri's name was obscured by Antonio Stradivari's, but his violins and cellos are today highly prized. His sons Pietro (16951762) and Bartolomeo (16981744) were also instrument makers; Bartolomeo, called Guarneri del Gèsu, was one of the finest in history; his violins show the influence of both his father and Stradivari and are known for their full sound.

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