Gneisenau, August (Wilhelm Anton), Count Neidhardt von

Gneisenau, August (Wilhelm Anton), Count Neidhardt von
born Oct. 27, 1760, Schildau, near Torgau, Saxony
died Aug. 23, 1831, Posen, Prussia

Prussian field marshal and military reformer.

Along with Gerhard J.D. von Scharnhorst, he remolded the Prussian army shattered by Napoleon (1806) from a mercenary force into an instrument of modern warfare, introducing universal military service. In 181112 he traveled on secret missions to negotiate a new war against Napoleon, which was renewed in 1813. As chief of staff to Gebhard von Blücher, he planned Prussian, and sometimes Russian, strategy. Gneisenau's insistence on the decisive battle and relentless pursuit proved successful at the Battle of Waterloo.

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