Ghulām Aḥmad, Mīrzā

Ghulām Aḥmad, Mīrzā
born с 1839, Qadian, India
died May 26, 1908, India

Indian Muslim leader, founder of the Ahmadiyyah sect.

Born into a prosperous family, he led a life of contemplation and religious study. Claiming in 1889 to have had a special revelation from God, he gathered a small band of disciples. He declared himself to be the mahdi and the reincarnation of Muhammad, Jesus, and Krishna. He was opposed by the orthodox Muslim community, but a number of his teachings became the basis of the beliefs of the Aḥmadiyyah. He attempted to establish missionary organizations and schools on the Christian model but did not try to reconcile Christian and Muslim doctrine.

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Indian Muslim leader
born c. 1839, , Qādiān, India
died May 26, 1908, India

      Indian Muslim leader who founded an important Muslim sect known as the Aḥmadīyah (q.v.).

      The son of a prosperous family, Ghulam Ahmad received an education in Persian and Arabic. He refused his father's urgings that he go into the British government service or practice law. Instead, he led a life of contemplation and religious study. He claimed to hear voices and declared in 1889 that he had had a revelation in which God had entitled him to receive bayʿat (an oath of allegiance). Soon he gathered a small group of devoted disciples. From then on his influence and following steadily increased, as did opposition from the Muslim community.

      Ghulam Ahmad claimed not only that he was the mahdi (a promised Muslimsaviour”) and a reappearance (burūz) of the Prophet Muḥammad but also that he was Jesus Christ and the Hindu god Krishna returned to Earth. A number of his rather unorthodox teachings were incorporated into the beliefs of the Aḥmadīyah. While he made an attempt to copy the centralized missionary organizations and schools of the Christians, he had little interest in reconciling Christian and Muslim religious doctrine and evidently wanted only to be more effective in his struggle to supplant Western influences. Despite the vagueness of his purpose, he was an effective leader and gathered a cohesive body of disciples. After his death, his followers disputed whether he really claimed to be a prophet and if so what he meant by his prophethood. Nonetheless, his devotees formed a community of believers and elected a khalīfah (caliph) to lead them.

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