Geneva Summit

Geneva Summit
(1955) Meeting in Geneva of the leaders of the U.S., France, Britain, and the Soviet Union that sought to end the Cold War.

Such issues as disarmament, unification of Germany, and increased economic ties were discussed. Though no agreements were reached, the conference was considered an important first step toward easing Cold War tension.

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  • Geneva Summit (1955) — The Geneva Summit was first held on July 18th, 1955 in Geneva, Switzerland. This was a meeting of The Big Four : President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States, Prime Minister Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin… …   Wikipedia

  • geneva — /jeuh nee veuh/, n. Hollands. [1700 10; < D genever < OF genevre < L juniperus JUNIPER] * * * I French Genève German Genf Italian Ginevra City (pop., 2001 est.: urban agglom., 464,000), capital of Geneva canton, southwestern Switzerland. At the… …   Universalium

  • Geneva — /jeuh nee veuh/, n. 1. a city in and the capital of the canton of Geneva, in SW Switzerland, on the Lake of Geneva: seat of the League of Nations 1920 46. 155,800. 2. a canton in SW Switzerland. 335,800; 109 sq. mi. (282 sq. km). 3. Lake of. Also …   Universalium

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  • summit meeting — noun a meeting of heads of governments • Syn: ↑summit • Hypernyms: ↑meeting, ↑group meeting * * * 1. a meeting or conference of heads of state, esp. to conduct diplomatic negotiations and ease international tensions. 2. any meeting or conference… …   Useful english dictionary

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