Gamow, George

Gamow, George
orig. Georgy Antonovich Gamov

born March 4, 1904, Odessa, Russian Empire
died Aug. 19, 1968, Boulder, Colo., U.S.

Russian-born U.S. nuclear physicist and cosmologist.

After studying at Leningrad University with Aleksandr Friedmann (18881925), he subsequently developed his quantum theory of radioactivity, the first successful explanation of the behaviour of radioactive elements. His "liquid drop" model of atomic nuclei served as the basis for modern theories of nuclear fission and fusion. After immigrating to the U.S. in 1934, he collaborated with Edward Teller in researching beta decay (1936) and developing a theory of the internal structures of red giant stars (1942). In the 1950s he became interested in biochemistry, proposing theories of genetic code structure that were later found to be true. Throughout his career he also wrote popular works on such difficult subjects as relativity and cosmology.

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American physicist
original Russian  Georgy Antonovich Gamov  
born March 4, 1904, Odessa, Russian Empire [now in Ukraine]
died Aug. 19, 1968, Boulder, Colo., U.S.

      Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist who was one of the foremost advocates of the big-bang theory, according to which the universe was formed in a colossal explosion that took place billions of years ago. In addition, his work on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) made a basic contribution to modern genetic theory.

      Gamow attended Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) University, where he studied briefly with A.A. Friedmann, a mathematician and cosmologist who suggested that the universe should be expanding. At that time Gamow did not pursue Friedmann's suggestion, preferring instead to delve into quantum theory. After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Göttingen, where he developed his quantum theory of radioactivity, the first successful explanation of the behaviour of radioactive elements, some of which decay in seconds while others decay over thousands of years.

      His achievement earned him a fellowship at the Copenhagen Institute of Theoretical Physics (192829), where he continued his investigations in theoretical nuclear physics. There he proposed hisliquid drop (liquid-drop model)” model of atomic nuclei, which served as the basis for the modern theories of nuclear fission and fusion. He also collaborated with F. Houtermans and R. Atkinson in developing a theory of the rates of thermonuclear reactions inside stars.

      In 1934, after emigrating from the Soviet Union, Gamow was appointed professor of physics at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. There he collaborated with Edward Teller (Teller, Edward) in developing a theory of beta decay (1936), a nuclear decay process in which an electron is emitted.

      Soon after, Gamow resumed his study of the relations between small-scale nuclear processes and cosmology. He used his knowledge of nuclear reactions to interpret stellar evolution, collaborating with Teller on a theory of the internal structures of red giant stars (1942). From his work on stellar evolution, Gamow postulated that the Sun's energy results from thermonuclear processes.

      Gamow and Teller were both proponents of the expanding-universe theory that had been advanced by Friedmann, Edwin Hubble, and Georges LeMaître. Gamow, however, modified the theory, and he, Ralph Alpher, and Hans Bethe (Bethe, Hans) published this theory in a paper calledThe Origin of Chemical Elements” (1948). This paper, attempting to explain the distribution of chemical elements throughout the universe, posits a primeval thermonuclear explosion, the big bang that began the universe. According to the theory, after the big bang (big-bang model), atomic nuclei were built up by the successive capture of neutrons by the initially formed pairs and triplets.

      In 1954 Gamow's scientific interests grew to encompass biochemistry. He proposed the concept of a genetic code and maintained that the code was determined by the order of recurring triplets of nucleotides, the basic components of DNA. His proposal was vindicated during the rapid development of genetic theory that followed.

      Gamow held the position of professor of physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, from 1956 until his death. He is perhaps best known for his popular writings, designed to introduce to the nonspecialist such difficult subjects as relativity and cosmology. His first such work, Mr. Tomkins in Wonderland (1936), gave rise to the multivolumeMr. Tomkinsseries (193967). Among his other writings are One, Two, Three . . . Infinity (1947), The Creation of the Universe (1952; rev. ed., 1961), A Planet Called Earth (1963), and A Star Called the Sun (1964).

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