Forrestal, James V(incent)

Forrestal, James V(incent)
born Feb. 15, 1892, Beacon, N.Y., U.S.
died May 22, 1949, Bethesda, Md.

U.S. secretary of defense (194749).

After serving in naval aviation in World War I, he resumed his connection with a New York City investment firm, of which he became president in 1938. Appointed undersecretary of the navy in 1940, he directed the huge naval expansion and procurement programs of World War II. He became secretary of the navy in 1944. Appointed the first secretary of defense in 1947, he began to reorganize and coordinate the armed services. He resigned in 1949. Suffering from a depression similar to battle fatigue, he entered Bethesda Naval Medical Center; soon after, he plunged to his death from a window.

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