Fish, Hamilton

Fish, Hamilton
born Aug. 3, 1808, New York, N.Y., U.S.
died Sept. 6, 1893, New York City

U.S. secretary of state (1869–77).

He served New York state as lieutenant governor (1847–48), governor (1849–50), and U.S. senator (1851–57). As secretary of state in the administration of Pres. Ulysses S. Grant, he helped draft the Treaty of Washington (1871), which provided for international arbitration of the dispute with Britain over the Alabama claims; he also obtained an agreement with Spain regarding its seizure of the U.S. ship Virginius. As a respected member of Grant's cabinet, he worked to counter graft, improper appointments, and violations of the civil liberties of African Americans.

Hamilton Fish.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

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▪ United States secretary of state

born Aug. 3, 1808, New York, N.Y., U.S.
died Sept. 6, 1893, New York
 U.S. secretary of state (1869–77) who skillfully promoted the peaceful arbitration of explosive situations with Great Britain and Latin America.

      A lawyer involved in New York Whig politics, Fish served in the U.S. Senate from 1851 to 1857, when he transferred his allegiance to the newly formed Republican Party. During the American Civil War (1861–65) he became chairman of the Union Defense Committee to expedite the supply of arms and troops and later served as a War Department commissioner to investigate and alleviate the poor conditions of Federal prisoners in the South.

      In March 1869 President Ulysses S. Grant (Grant, Ulysses S.) appointed Fish head of the State Department, in which position he served for eight years. His entry into office coincided with a crisis between the United States and Great Britain over the Alabama (Alabama claims) claims, which arose from the Civil War depredations of the British-built Confederate cruiser Alabama. By tactful management of Congress on the one side and of the British government on the other, Fish calmed the quarrel. Cooperating with British diplomats, he brought about the conference that drafted the Treaty of Washington (May 1871), providing for the first major international arbitration of modern history.

      At the same time, Fish conducted a contest with American interventionists who wished to land troops in Cuba in order to help rebels attempting an overthrow of Spanish rule. Their pressure became almost irresistible when in 1873 Spanish authorities seized on the high seas the ship Virginius, (Virginius affair) belonging to the Cuban revolutionary committee in New York, and shot 53 Americans and Britons. Fish managed to maintain peace, however, and Spain restored the Virginius with apologies and indemnities.

      As the most experienced and most respected member of Grant's Cabinet, Fish helped to counteract the period's low political standards by leading the element of Grant's inner circle who laboured to keep the president vigilant against trickery and graft, to save him from improper appointment of old friends, and to prevent gross violations of the civil liberties of blacks. Returning to private life in New York in 1877, Fish devoted his last years to public-spirited activities, especially to the development of Columbia University.

Additional Reading
An authoritative biography is Allan Nevins, Hamilton Fish: The Inner History of the Grant Administration, rev. ed., 2 vol. (1957).

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