Christian Science Monitor, The

Christian Science Monitor, The
Daily newspaper of national and international news and features, published Monday through Friday in Boston under the auspices of the Church of Christ, Scientist (see Christian Science).

Established in 1908 at the urging of Mary Baker Eddy as a protest against the sensationalism of the popular press, it became one of the most respected U.S. newspapers, famous for its thoughtful treatment of the news and for the quality of its assessments of political, social, and economic developments. It strictly limits the kinds of advertising it accepts. It maintains its own bureaus to gather news abroad and publishes a weekly world edition. The newspaper won its sixth Pulitzer Prize in 1996, in the category of international reporting.

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American newspaper
      American daily newspaper (except Saturdays and Sundays) published in Boston under the auspices of the Church of Christ, Scientist (First Church of Christ, Scientist). It was established in 1908 at the urging of Mary Baker Eddy (Eddy, Mary Baker), founder of the church, as a protest against the sensationalism of the popular press. The Monitor became famous for its thoughtful treatment of the news and for the quality of its long-range, comprehensive assessments of political, social, and economic developments. It remains one of the most respected American newspapers.

      At the time of its founding, the Monitor set out to address a national audience, and its circulation grew to 120,000 in its first decade. Notably under Erwin D. Canham, managing editor and editor from 1940 to 1964, it gained worldwide prestige. In 1965 the Monitor revised its format and began printing photographs on the front page, although the paper remained spare and quite selective in its use of illustrations. In 1975 the paper changed to a tabloid format. Colour photography was introduced in the late 1980s. The newspaper does not accept advertising for alcohol or tobacco, nor does it carry ads for questionable financial investments or books and motion pictures it deems salacious. Its secular news coverage is supplemented by one religious article that is published daily, according to the original request made by Mary Baker Eddy when the newspaper was founded.

      The newspaper won its sixth Pulitzer Prize in 1996, in the category of international reporting, and the Monitor received its seventh Pulitzer in 2002 for editorial cartooning. Its Web site, launched in 1996, has won many awards. In 2008, because of a decrease in circulation and mounting financial difficulties, the Monitor announced that it would cease publication of its weekday print edition and focus on Internet publishing, making it the first national newspaper to take such action.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Christian Science Monitor, The —   [ȓə krɪstjən saɪəns mɔnitə], amerikanische Tageszeitung, 1908 gegründet von Mary Baker Eddy, der Gründerin der Christian Science; herausgegeben von der Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston (Massachusetts), mit Druckorten in fünf… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • The Christian Science Monitor — The cover of the Christian Science Monitor for April 26th, 2009. Type Weekly newspaper Owner Christian Science Publishing Socie …   Wikipedia

  • Christian Science Monitor — The Christian Science Monitor The Christian Science Monitor est un journal d actualités américain publié du lundi au vendredi. Il a été fondé en 1908 par Mary Baker Eddy, la fondatrice du mouvement religieux Science chrétienne. Sommaire 1… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Christian Science Monitor, The — Periódico con noticias y artículos nacionales e internacionales, que circula de lunes a viernes en Boston bajo el auspicio de la Iglesia de Ciencia Cristiana (ver Ciencia Cristiana). Fue fundado en 1908 a instancias de Mary Baker Eddy en señal de …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Christian Science Monitor — Тип Еженедельная газета Главный редактор Джон Йемма Основана 1908 Главный офис 210 Массачусетское авеню, Бостон, Массачусетc, США 02115 Тираж 75 052 (2011) …   Википедия

  • The Christian Science Monitor — Tipo Periódico País Estados Unidos Sede 210 Massachusetts Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02115 …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Christian Science Monitor — est un journal d actualités américain publié du lundi au vendredi. Il a été fondé en 1908 par Mary Baker Eddy, la fondatrice du mouvement religieux Science chrétienne. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Notes et références …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Christian Science Monitor — [Christian Science Monitor] a national US newspaper published every day from Monday to Friday by the ↑Christian Scientists. It was started in 1908 …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Christian Science Monitor — Der Christian Science Monitor ist eine englischsprachige religiös beeinflusste Tageszeitung. Außerhalb der USA erscheint die wöchentliche Ausgabe Monitor World. Er wird von der Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston herausgegeben. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Christian Science Monitor — «Крисчен Сайенс Монитор» («Наставник христианского ученья»), ежедневная газета в США, издается в Бостоне с 1908 г. Тираж (1976) свыше 180000 экз. Пользуется широкой известностью в США. Несмотря на религиозное название, это вполне светская газета …   Словарь топонимов США

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