Cartier, Sir George Étienne, Baronet
- Cartier, Sir George Étienne, Baronet
born Sept. 6, 1814, St. Antoine, Lower Canada
died May 20, 1873, London, Eng.
Canadian prime minister jointly with John Macdonald (1858–62).
He was elected as a Liberal to the Canadian legislative assembly (
and was later appointed provincial secretary (
and attorney general for Canada East (
In 1858 Cartier represented Canada East in the alliance with Macdonald and promoted the improvement of Anglo-
French relations in Canada.
He was a proponent of the Grand Trunk Railway.
In 1867,
despite great opposition,
he carried his native province into confederation.
He then served as minister of militia and defense in Macdonald'
s first Confederation cabinet (
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▪ prime minister of Canada
born Sept. 6, 1814, St. Antoine, Lower Canada [now Quebec]
died May 20, 1873, London
statesman, Canadian prime minister jointly with Sir John Macdonald (1858–62), and promoter of federation and the improvement of Anglo-French relations in Canada.
Cartier practiced as a lawyer until 1837, when he took part in the rebellion that sent him into several months of exile in the United States. Elected as a Liberal to the Canadian Legislative Assembly in 1848, he was appointed provincial secretary in 1855 and two years later attorney general for Canada East (formerly Lower Canada).
His alliance with Macdonald, in which Cartier represented Canada East, developed the Liberal-Conservative Party in Canada. He promoted many useful measures, including the abolition of seigneurial tenure (estates held by feudal tenure) in Canada East and the codification of civil law. He was involved with the building of the Grand Trunk Railway through eastern Canada and the resolve to build the Canadian Pacific Railway. Despite great opposition, he carried his native province into federation by 1867, and he was created a baronet of the United Kingdom the following year.
As minister of militia and defense in Macdonald's first Confederation Cabinet, Cartier reformed the nation's military land forces, but a political disagreement with the Roman Catholic Church brought his defeat in the 1872 election. Another seat was found for him, but he died before he could serve.
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Cartier, Sir George-Étienne, Baronet — ▪ prime minister of Canada born Sept. 6, 1814, St. Antoine, Lower Canada [now Quebec] died May 20, 1873, London, Eng. statesman, Canadian prime minister jointly with John A. Macdonald (Macdonald, Sir John) (1857–58; 1858–62), and promoter of… … Universalium
Cartier, Sir George Étienne, baronet — (6 sep. 1814, St. Antoine, Bajo Canadá–20 may. 1873, Londres, Inglaterra). Primer ministro canadiense juntamente con John Macdonald (1858–62). Fue elegido miembro liberal de la asamblea legislativa de Canadá (1848) y más adelante fue nombrado… … Enciclopedia Universal
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Cartier — Cartier, Jacques * * * (as used in expressions) Cartier, Jacques Cartier, Sir George Étienne, baronet Cartier Bresson, Henri … Enciclopedia Universal
sir — /serr/, n. 1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir. 2. (cap.) the distinctive title of a knight or baronet: Sir Walter Scott. 3. (cap.) a title of respect for some notable personage of ancient times: Sir Pandarus of Troy … Universalium
sir — (Voz inglesa.) ► sustantivo masculino Tratamiento honorífico empleado por los británicos. * * * sir (ingl.; pronunc. [ser]) m. *Tratamiento de respeto usado en Inglaterra delante de un nombre de hombre o para dirigirse a la persona de que se… … Enciclopedia Universal
baronet — baronetical, adj. /bar euh nit, bar euh net /, n. a member of a British hereditary order of honor, ranking below the barons and made up of commoners, designated by Sir before the name and Baronet, usually abbreviated Bart., after: Sir John Smith … Universalium
baronet — (as used in expressions) Cartier, Sir George Étienne, baronet Cockburn, Sir Alexander (James Edmund), 10° baronet Cunard, Sir Samuel, 1 baronet Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, 2 baronet Grey, Sir Edward, 3 baronet Harris, Sir Arthur Travers, 1… … Enciclopedia Universal
Cartier — /kahr tee ay /; Fr. /kannrdd tyay /, n. 1. Sir George Étienne /zhawrddzh ay tyen /, 1814 73, Canadian political leader: prime minister 1857 62, defense minister 1867 73. 2. Jacques /zhahk/, 1491 1557, French navigator and explorer of Canada:… … Universalium
George — /jawrj/, n. 1. a figure of St. George killing the dragon, esp. one forming part of the insignia of the Order of the Garter. 2. Brit. Slang. any coin bearing the image of St. George. 3. a word formerly used in communications to represent the… … Universalium