
District (pop., 2001: 37,659), northeastern Northern Ireland.

Established in 1974, it lies on Belfast Lough. The name, meaning "rock of Fergus," commemorates King Fergus, shipwrecked off the coast с AD 320. Carrickfergus town (pop., 1991: 22,786) is the district seat. Carrickfergus Castle, a relic of the Norman period, sits on a crag above the town; it was a refuge for the Protestants of Antrim in the English Civil Wars.

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Irish  Carraig Fhearghais 

      town and district (established 1973), formerly in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, on the northern shore of Belfast Lough (inlet of the sea). The name, meaningrock of Fergus,” commemorates King Fergus, who was shipwrecked off the coast about AD 320. Because of its strategic position on a rocky spur above the harbour, Carrickfergus Castle, a perfectly preserved relic of the Norman period, has played a large part in Irish history. It was besieged and taken by the Scot Edward Bruce, brother of King Robert I the Bruce, in 1316, but reverted to English rule in 1318 and remained an isolated stronghold of the English crown. In the English Civil War (164251) the castle was one of the chief places of refuge for the Protestants of Antrim; in 1642 the first presbytery held in Ireland met there. It was later held by partisans of the English king James II but surrendered in 1689 to the Duke of Schomberg, and in 1690 William III landed there on his expedition to Ireland.

      Although chartered since the reign of Elizabeth I, the corporation of Carrickfergus town was superseded in 1840 by a board of municipal commissioners. Carrickfergus was the county town (seat) of Antrim until 1850. Local industries include synthetic fibre works and cigarette and clothing factories. The parish Church of St. Nicholas, begun by John de Courci at the end of the 12th century, is renowned for its monument (1625) to Lord Chichester, lord deputy of Ireland (160414). Carrickfergus district is bordered by Newtownabbey district to the west and Larne district to the north. Its northwestern section is hilly terrain, sloping southward to the flat shores of Belfast Lough. Salt is mined at the village of Eden, northeast of Carrickfergus town, and a sizable wooded area in western Carrickfergus district affords scenic camping and hiking. Carrickfergus town is a pleasure-boat centre and is connected by road to Belfast. Area district, 30 square miles (77 square km). Pop. (2001) town, 27,201; (2001 prelim.) district, 37,659.

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