Callaghan (of Cardiff), (Leonard) James Callaghan, Baron

Callaghan (of Cardiff), (Leonard) James Callaghan, Baron
born March 27, 1912, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng.

British politician.

A trade union official, he entered the House of Commons as a Labour Party member in 1945. He served in Labour governments as chancellor of the Exchequer (196467), home secretary (196770), and foreign secretary (197476) before becoming prime minister (197679). A moderate within his party, he tried to stem the vociferous demands of the trade unions. After a series of paralyzing labour strikes in 197879 (the so-called "Winter of Discontent"), his government was brought down by a parliamentary vote of no confidence. He was created a life peer in the House of Lords in 1987.

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Universalium. 2010.

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