
Member of the earliest recorded Hindu sect, representing the beginnings of theistic, devotional worship and modern Vaishnavism.

The Bhagavata sect originated in the Mathura region с 3rd2nd century BC and spread through western, northern, and southern India. The faith centers on devotion to a personal god, variously called Vishnu, Krishna, Hari, or Narayana. The Bhagavadgita (1st2nd century AD) is the earliest exposition of the Bhagavata system, but its central scripture is the Bhagavata Purana. The sect was prominent within Vaishnavism until the 11th century, when bhakti (devotional worship) was revitalized by Ramanuja.

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Hindu sect
      (Sanskrit:One Devoted to Bhagavat [Lord]”), member of the earliest Hindu sect of which there is any record, representing the beginnings of theistic, devotional worship and of modern Vaiṣṇavism (Vaishnavism) (worship of the Lord Vishnu); the term is commonly used today to refer to a Vaiṣṇava, or devotee of Vishnu.

      The Bhāgavata sect originated among the Yādava people of the Mathura area in the centuries preceding the beginning of the Christian era. From there it spread as the tribes migrated to western India and the northern Deccan. It was introduced into South India at an early date. The sect continued to be prominent within Vaiṣṇavism until at least the 11th century, when bhakti (devotional worship) was revitalized by the great theologian Rāmānuja.

      The Bhāgavata system was a highly devotional faith centred upon a personal god, variously called Vishnu, Vāsudeva, Krishna, Hari, or Nārāyaṇa. The school was known as ekāntika-dharma (“religion with one object,” i.e., monotheism). The religious poem the Bhagavadgītā (1st2nd century AD) is the earliest and finest exposition of the Bhāgavata system. By the time of the Gītā Vāsudeva (Krishna), the hero of the Yādava clan was identified with the Vedic Lord Vishnu. Later, the deified sage Nārāyaṇa, whose followers were originally called Pāñcarātras (Pāñcarātra), was assimilated, and, still later, the pastoral and amorous Krishna was added to the multiplicity of traditions.

      The Bhāgavatas believed in simple rites of worship and condemned Vedic sacrifices and penances. The sect may have been largely responsible for the spread of image worship among orthodox, upper-class Hindus. Few early Vaiṣṇava images are still extant, but those that have survived are mainly from the Mathura area, perhaps the earliest being the image of Balarāma, the half brother of Krishna, which is attributed to the 2nd1st century BC.

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