Atsumi Kiyoshi

Atsumi Kiyoshi
born March 10, 1928, Tokyo, Japan
died Aug. 4, 1996, Tokyo

Japanese comic actor.

Atsumi grew up in an impoverished section of Tokyo and took odd jobs in the theatre before first portraying the role of Tora-san for a television film in 1968. He went on to play the character until 1996 in the 48-film series Otoko wa tsurai yo ("It's Tough Being a Man"), the longest-running series in which the same actor portrayed the central character. Tora-san, a middle-aged peddler, is a charmingly irresponsible rogue who sells trinkets to passersby and unsuccessfully courts pretty women. Atsumi infused the role with witty wordplay and a folksy sincerity.

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Japanese actor
original name  Tadokoro Yasuo 
born March 10, 1928, Tokyo, Japan
died August 4, 1996, Tokyo

      Japanese comic actor who portrayed the bumbling hero Tora-jiro Kuruma (widely known as Tora-san) in the 48-film series Otoko wa tsurai yo (“It's Tough Being a Man”). The series ran from 1968 to 1996 and was the longest-running film series in which the same actor portrayed the central character.

      Atsumi grew up in an impoverished section of Tokyo. He left school as a child to work in factories during World War II and then took odd jobs in the theatre before establishing a reputation as a comedian in the city's Asakusa entertainment district. He first played the role of Tora-san on television in 1968 and again in a feature film the following year. Tora-san, a middle-aged peddler, is a charmingly irresponsible rogue in a frumpy beige suit who sells trinkets to passersby and unsuccessfully courts pretty women. Atsumi infused the role with witty wordplay and folksy sincerity. The films were box-office hits in Japan, but they lacked international appeal.

      Atsumi made few other films and rarely appeared in public; when he did, he generally wore his character's trademark garb. In 1980 the Japan Academy Awards honoured Atsumi for his portrayal of the lovable loser.

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Universalium. 2010.

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