Aristides the Just

Aristides the Just
flourished 5th century BC

Athenian statesman and general.

He was ostracized in 482 BC, probably for opposing Themistocles but was recalled in 480 and helped defeat the Persians at the battles of Salamis and Plataea. In 478 he helped Sparta's eastern allies form the Delian League; allied with Athens and based on Athenian naval power and the trust Aristides inspired, the league effectively became the Athenian empire.

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Greek statesman
Aristides also spelled  Aristeides  
flourished 5th century BC

      Athenian statesman and general and founder of the Delian League, which developed into the Athenian Empire.

      Little is known of Aristides' early life. He appears to have been prominent within the party that favoured resistance to Persia, but in 482 he was ostracized, probably because he opposed Themistocles' plan to use the silver from a new vein of the mines at Laurium to build a large fleet. Recalled in 480, Aristides distinguished himself in the decisive victory over the Persians near the island of Salamis (480) and commanded the Athenian army at the Battle of Plataea (479) when the Persians were driven from Greece.

      The following year Aristides commanded the Athenian contingent of 30 ships in the fleet that the Spartan Pausanias led to free the Greek cities of Cyprus and capture Byzantium. Toward the end of the year the eastern Greek allies revolted from Spartan control and at Delos offered their allegiance, through Aristides, to Athens. The Delian League, based on Athenian naval power and the trust Aristides inspired, was his greatest achievement. Entrusted with the assessment of the members' contributions, Aristides carried out his task to general satisfaction, using as his basis the assessment imposed by the Persians on the Ionians in 493.

      The military command of the league's forces passed to Cimon, and there is no reliable information about Aristides' later career or the date of his death. The view that Aristides was a democratic reformer is contradicted by the fact that his main associations were with Miltiades and Cimon, the enemies of the democratic leaders Xanthippus and Ephialtes.

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