April Theses

April Theses
Program developed by Vladimir Ilich Lenin during the Russian Revolution of 1917, calling for Soviet control of state power.

In the theses, published in April 1917, Lenin advocated seizing power from the Provisional Government, withdrawing from World War I, and distributing land among the peasantry. The theses contributed to the July Days uprising and the Bolshevik coup d'état in October.

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Russian history
Russian  Aprelskiye Tezisy,  

      in Russian history, program developed by Lenin (Lenin, Vladimir Ilich) during the Russian Revolution of 1917, calling for Soviet control of state power; the theses, published in April 1917, contributed to the July Days uprising and also to the Bolshevik coup d'etat in October 1917.

      During the February Revolution two disparate bodies had replaced the imperial governmentthe Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. The Socialists who dominated the Soviet interpreted the February Revolution as a bourgeois revolution and considered it appropriate for the bourgeoisie to hold power. They therefore submitted to the rule of the Provisional Government, formed by liberals from the Duma. The Soviet agreed to cooperate with the government and to advise it in the interests of workers and soldiers.

      Lenin, however, viewed the two bodies as institutions representing social classes locked in the class struggle. He felt that, as one class gained dominance over the other, its governing body would crush the rival institution; thus the two could not indefinitely coexist. On the basis of this interpretation he developed his theses, in which he urged the Bolsheviks to withdraw their support from the Provisional Government and to call for immediate withdrawal from World War I and for the distribution of land among the peasantry. The Bolshevik Party was to organize workers, soldiers, and peasants and to strengthen the Soviets so that they could eventually seize power from the Provisional Government. The theses also called for the nationalization of banks and for Soviet control of the production and distribution of manufactured goods. Lenin first presented his theses to a gathering of Social Democrats and later (April 17 [April 4, old style], 1917) to a Bolshevik committee, both of which immediately rejected them. The Bolshevik newspaper Pravda published them but carefully noted that they were Lenin's personal ideas.

      Nevertheless, within a few weeks the party's seventh all-Russian conference (May 712 [April 2429, old style]) adopted the theses as its program, along with the sloganAll Power to the Soviets.” Although some Bolsheviks still had reservations about the program, the concepts contained in the theses became very popular among the workers and soldiers of Petrograd, who, using Bolshevik slogans, unsuccessfully tried to force the Soviet to take power in July. It was not until October, however, that Lenin's party was able to begin implementation of its program and seize power from the Provisional Government in the name of the Soviets.

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