Angevin — (IPAEng|ˈændʒəvɪn) (French, from Old French, from Medieval Latin Andegavinus, from Andegavia, Anjou, France) is the name applied to the residents of Anjou, a former province of the Kingdom of France, as well as to the residents of Angers. It is… … Wikipedia
Angevin Empire — Infobox Former Country native name = conventional long name =Angevin Empire common name = Angevin Empire continent = Europe region = North Western Europe country = era = Middle Ages status = Empire government type = Monarchy year start = 1154… … Wikipedia
dynasty — dynastic /duy nas tik/; Brit. also /di nas tik/, dynastical, adj. dynastically, adv. /duy neuh stee/; Brit. also /din euh stee/, n., pl. dynasties. 1. a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group: the Ming dynasty … Universalium
Dynasty — A dynasty is a succession of rulers who belong to the same family for generations. A dynasty is also often called a house , e.g. the House of Saud or House of Habsburg . In the histories of Europe, much of Asia and some of Africa, ruling and… … Wikipedia
Angevin — The adjectival form of *Anjou and name of a dynasty which came to rule in England from the reign of Henry II, beginning in 1154. They were later known as the *Plantagenets. [< Lat. Andegavensis = region of Civitas Andegavensis, today Anjou] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Orontid Dynasty — The Satrapy of Armenia under the Orontid Dynasty. History of Armenia … Wikipedia
Nemanjić dynasty — House of Nemanja Country Serbia: Grand Principality Kingdom Empire Ancestral house Vukanović dynasty Titles Grand Prince (Велики Жупан/Veliki Župan) King of Serbia (Краљ/Kralj) Emperor of Serbia (Tsar, Цар/Car) Founder … Wikipedia
O'Neill dynasty — O Neill Ancestral house Cenél nEógain / Uí Néill Titles High Kings of Ireland Kings of Tara Kings of Ulster Kings of Ailech Kings of Tyrone Sept t … Wikipedia
Ottoman dynasty — Country Ottoman Empire Titles Sultan Caliph Founder Osman I … Wikipedia
Ottonian dynasty — Depiction of the Ottonian family tree in a 12th century manuscript. The Ottonian dynasty was a dynasty of Germanic Kings (919 1024), named after its first emperor but also known as the Saxon dynasty after the family s origin. The family itself is … Wikipedia