- Anath
Chief western Semitic goddess of love and war, sister and helpmate to Baal, whom she retrieved from the land of the dead.One of the best-known of Canaanite deities, she was famous for her youthful vigour and ferocity in battle. In Egypt she was depicted nude, holding flowers and standing on a lion. During the Hellenistic Age, Anath and Astarte were merged into Atargatis.
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▪ deityConsidered a beautiful young girl, she was often designated “the Virgin” in ancient texts. Probably one of the best-known of the Canaanite deities, she was famous for her youthful vigour and ferocity in battle; in that respect she was adopted as a special favourite by the Egyptian king Ramses II (reigned 1279–13 BC). Although Anath was often associated with the god Resheph in ritual texts, she was primarily known for her role in the myth of Baal's death and resurrection, in which she mourned and searched for him and finally helped to retrieve him from the netherworld.Egyptian representations of Anath show a nude goddess, often standing on a lion and holding flowers. During the Hellenistic Age, the goddesses Anath and Astarte were blended into one deity, called Atargatis.* * *
Universalium. 2010.