Amis, Sir Kingsley (William)

Amis, Sir Kingsley (William)
born April 16, 1922, London, Eng.
died Oct. 22, 1995, London

British novelist, poet, critic, and teacher.

His first novel, Lucky Jim (1954; film, 1957), was a hugely successful comic masterpiece. He was often characterized as an Angry Young Man, a label he rejected. Notable among his more than 40 books (including four volumes of poetry) are the mordantly humorous novels That Uncertain Feeling (1955; film, Only Two Can Play, 1962), The Green Man (1959; film, 1957), Jake's Thing (1978), and The Old Devils (1986, Booker Prize). He was the father of Martin Amis.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Amis, Sir Kingsley William — ▪ 1996       British novelist and poet (b. April 16, 1922, London, England d. Oct. 22, 1995, London), created about 40 books over 20 novels as well as several volumes of poetry, short stories, and miscellaneous other works but remained best known …   Universalium

  • Amis, Sir Kingsley (William) — (16 abr. 1922, Londres, Inglaterra–22 oct. 1995, Londres). Novelista, poeta, crítico y académico británico. Su primera novela, Jim el afortunado (1954; película, 1957), resultó ser una obra maestra cómica y tuvo un éxito resonante. A menudo se le …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Kingsley William Amis — Sir Kingsley William Amis (eigtl. Kingley Amis, * 16. April 1922 in London; † 22. Oktober 1995 ebd.) war ein englischer Schriftsteller und Dichter. Kingsley Amis studierte Anglistik in Oxford und war nach seiner Militärzeit (1948 bis 1961)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kingsley Amis — Nacimiento 16 de abril de 1922 Clapham, Londres,  Reino Unido Defunción …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Kingsley Amis — Infobox Writer name = Sir Kingsley Amis birthname = Kingsley William Amis birthdate = birth date|1922|4|16 birthplace = Clapham, South London, England deathdate = death date and age|1995|10|22|1922|4|16 deathplace = London, England occupation =… …   Wikipedia

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  • William — (as used in expressions) William Alexander Abbott Aberhart, William George William Russell Amis, Sir Kingsley (William) Ashley, William Henry Ashton, Sir Frederick (William Mallandaine) Barkley, Alben W(illiam) Bartram, William William Allen… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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