Amalric I

Amalric I
born 1136
died July 11, 1174

King of Jerusalem (116374).

Amalric was a strong ruler who helped break the unity of Muslims surrounding the Holy Land. He passed a law giving vassals the right to appeal to the High Court against unjust treatment by their lords. His invasion of Egypt (1163) led to a war with Nureddin of Syria, which Amalric lost despite help from Manuel I Comnenus. Though the effort to conquer Egypt failed, the Palestinian-Byzantine alliance continued.

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king of Jerusalem
French  Amaury  or  Amauri 
born 1136
died July 11, 1174

      king of Jerusalem from 1163 to 1174, a strong ruler who protected the rights of vassals and helped prevent Muslim unity around the Holy Land.

      Amalric, the son of King Fulk of Jerusalem, had been count of Jaffa and Ascalon before succeeding his elder brother Baldwin III on the throne in 1163. He was forced first to annul his marriage to Agnes of Courtenay because she was his third cousin (rights of legitimacy and inheritance, however, were granted to his son Baldwin and a daughter by Agnes). Insisting that a case of an unjustly dismissed vassal be heard, he passed a law giving vassals the right to appeal to the High Court against treatment by their lords.

      Because Egypt had never paid the yearly tribute that it had promised Baldwin III in 1160, Amalric, hoping to gain control of Egypt and break Muslim unity, invaded Egypt in 1163. During this unsuccessful attempt, Amalric's kingdom was attacked by the Syrian ruler Nureddin (Nūr al-Dīn). Gradually the war became a contest for control of Egypt. Amalric appealed both to the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus and to Louis VII of France for help. Manuel agreed to lend his fleet for one of Amalric's campaigns, with the provision that Amalric divide Egypt with Byzantium. The expedition failed, but the Byzantine-Palestinian alliance was maintained. Upon Amalric's death his son Baldwin was crowned king of Jerusalem as Baldwin IV.

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