Alkalai, Judah ben Solomon Hai

Alkalai, Judah ben Solomon Hai
died 1878, Jerusalem

Sephardic rabbi.

Raised in Jerusalem, he became rabbi at Semlin, Croatia. He argued that a physical return to Israel (Palestine), rather than a symbolic return through repentance and practice, was necessary for the salvation of the Jewish people, a view that put him at odds with Jewish orthodoxy. He saw the anti-Semitic Damascus Affair of 1840 as part of a divine plan to reawaken Jews to the reality of their condition in exile. Unsuccessful in gaining support for Jewish immigration to Palestine, he himself settled in the Holy Land in 1871. His writings helped pave the way for Zionism.

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Sephardic rabbi
born 1798, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Ottoman Empire [now Bosnia and Herzegovina]
died 1878, Jerusalem, Palestine

      Sephardic rabbi and an early advocate of Jewish colonization of Palestine.

      Alkalai was taken to Jerusalem at an early age, and there he was reared and educated for the rabbinate. At 25 he went to Semlin, in Croatia, as a rabbi and found himself teaching Hebrew to the young men of his congregation, whose native language was Ladino. He wrote two books in that language, in the first of which he argued that a physicalreturn to Israel” (i.e., to Eretz Yisraʾel, the Holy Land in Palestine) was a precondition for redemption (salvation), instead of the symbolicreturn to Israelby means of repentance and resuming the ways of God. This doctrine was unacceptable to Orthodox Jews and generated much controversy. His second book was a refutation of the heated attacks directed at his proto-Zionist views.

      After the Damascus Affair, an anti-Semitic outburst of 1840, Alkalai took to admonishing Jews that the event was part of a divine design to awaken Jews to the reality of their condition in exile. Believing that Jews should migrate nowhere but to Palestine, he traveled in England and about Europe seeking support for such emigration, founding organizations wherever he went, but these came to naught. Finally in 1871 he left his congregation at Semlin and went to Palestine, where he created a new organization, a society for settlement. It too failed. But Alkalai's writingshe was an inveterate pamphleteerdid have some effect, as did one bookhis first in HebrewGoral Ladonai (1857; “A Lot for the Lord”). These and his personal migration helped pave the way for the coming Zionism of Theodor Herzl and others.

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