
or Alkamenes

born 5th century BC, Lemnos, in the Aegean Sea, and Athens

Greek sculptor.

A younger contemporary of Phidias, he was noted for the delicacy and finish of his works, among which a Hephaestus and an Aphrodite of the Gardens are noteworthy. A copy of the head of his Hermes Propylaeus at Pergamum has been identified by an inscription, and he is said by the Greek traveler Pausanias (2nd century AD) to have been the creator of one of the pediments of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

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Greek sculptor
flourished 2nd half of the 5th century BC, Lemnos, in the Aegean Sea, and Athens [Greece]

      sculptor and younger contemporary of Phidias, noted for the delicacy and finish of his works, among which a Hephaestus and an Aphrodite of the Gardens are noteworthy. A copy of the head of his Hermes Propylaeus at Pergamum has been identified by an inscription, and he is said by the Greek traveler Pausanias (2nd century AD) to have been the creator of one of the pediments of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

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