- wearisome
/wear"ee seuhm/, adj.1. causing weariness; fatiguing: a difficult and wearisome march.2. tiresome or tedious: a wearisome person; a wearisome book.[1400-50; late ME werysom. See WEARY, -SOME1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Wearisome — Wea ri*some, a. Causing weariness; tiresome; tedious; weariful; as, a wearisome march; a wearisome day s work; a wearisome book. [1913 Webster] These high wild hills and rough uneven ways Draws out our miles, and makes them wearisome. Shak. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wearisome — index irksome, jejune (dull), lifeless (dull), mundane, onerous, operose, oppressive … Law dictionary
wearisome — mid 15c., weary, also causing weariness, from WEARY (Cf. weary) + SOME (Cf. some) … Etymology dictionary
wearisome — tiresome, tedious, boring, *irksome Analogous words: fatiguing, exhausting, fagging, tiring (see TIRE vb): dull, slow, *stupid Contrasted words: exciting, stimulating, quickening (see PROVOKE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
wearisome — [wir′i səm] adj. causing weariness; tiring, tiresome, or tedious wearisomely adv … English World dictionary
wearisome — /ˈwɪərisəm / (say wearreesuhm) adjective 1. causing weariness; fatiguing: a difficult and wearisome march. 2. tiresome or tedious: a wearisome person; a wearisome day; a wearisome book. {wear(y) + i 2 + some1} –wearisomely, adverb –wearisomeness …
wearisome — [[t]wɪ͟ərɪsəm[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as wearisome, you mean that it is very tiring and boring or frustrating. [FORMAL] ...a long and wearisome journey... Sympathising with him eventually becomes somewhat wearisome. Syn:… … English dictionary
wearisome — adjective Tiresome, tedious or causing fatigue. Adding definitions can be wearisome work … Wiktionary
wearisome — wear|i|some [ˈwıərisəm US ˈwır ] adj formal making you feel bored, tired, or annoyed ▪ a wearisome task … Dictionary of contemporary English
wearisome — wea|ri|some [ wırisəm ] adjective a wearisome activity or time is one that makes you feel tired or bored … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English