- Verdandi
/ver"dahn dee/, n. Scand. Myth.[ < ON verthandi, prp. of vertha to become; see URD]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Verdandi — puede referirse a: Verðandi, una de las tres Nornas de la mitología nórdica. Belldandy, personaje de la serie de manga y anime ¡Oh, Mi Diosa!. Verdandi, personaje de la serie de manga y anime Matantei Loki … Wikipedia Español
Verdandi — (nordisch für werdend) ist eine der drei Nornen, der Schicksalsgöttinnen in der nordischen Mythologie. Sie repräsentiert in dieser Dreiheit die Gegenwart. „Schicksal“ entspricht im angelsächsischen Raum dem Wort Wyrd und ist vergleichbar mit der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Verdandi — Verdandi, eine der Nornen, s.d. 1) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Verdandi — Dans la mythologie nordique, Verdandi (Verðandi) est une des trois nornes, accompagnée de Urd et Skuld. Son nom signifie ce qui est en train de se passer . v · Panthéon de la mythologie nordique Panthéon des Ases … Wikipédia en Français
Verdandi — From Greek mythology, one of the Fates. The gods would spin the web of a person s destiny, and the Fates would carry out the gods will by laying out the web, and cutting it when the person s life was to end. The three goddesses were called… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Verdandi — Vẹrdandi [v ], altnordische Mythologie: eine der drei Nornen … Universal-Lexikon
Verdandi — Norne … Danske encyklopædi
Verdandi — In Nordic myth the Norn (see Norns) of things present, who sat with her sisters Skuld and Urd at the foot of Yggdrasill. The Norns appear to have been a group of Völvas or sibyls, and the titles given to the three sisters may well have been … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Verdandi — noun goddess of fate: an elf who personified the present • Syn: ↑Verthandi • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Norn, ↑weird sister * * * /ver dahn dee/, n. Scand. Myth. See under Norn. [ < ON verthandi, prp. of vertha to become; … Useful english dictionary
GGF Verdandi — Gefle Gymnasii Förbund Verdandi, or GGF Verdandi is a society for male students at the Vasa school in Gävle, Sweden. It was founded 1862 by Leonard Magnus Waern with the purpose of giving its members the ability to continue writing lyrics in… … Wikipedia