
/tuy"fon/, n. Naut.
a signal horn operated by compressed air or steam.
[appar. after Typhon, mythical monster associated with tempests]

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In Greek mythology, the youngest son of Gaea and Tartarus.

A grisly monster with a hundred dragons' heads, he was conquered and cast into the underworld by Zeus but continued to be the source of destructive winds. In other accounts, he was confined in the land of the Arimi in Cilicia or under Mount Etna, where he caused eruptions and was thus the personification of volcanic forces. Among his children were Cerberus, Chimera, and the multiheaded Hydra. Later writers identified him with the Egyptian god Seth.

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also spelled  Typhaon, or Typhoeus,  

      in Greek mythology, youngest son of Gaea (Earth) and Tartarus (of the nether world). He was described as a grisly monster with a hundred dragons' heads who was conquered and cast into the underworld by Zeus. In other accounts, he was confined in the land of the Arimi in Cilicia or under Mount Etna or in other volcanic regions, where he was the cause of eruptions. Typhon was thus the personification of volcanic forces. Among his children by his wife, Echidna, were Cerberus, the three-headed hound of hell, the multiheaded Lernean Hydra, and the Chimera (q.v.). He was also the father of dangerous winds (typhoons), and by later writers he was identified with the Egyptian god Seth.

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  • typhon — [ tifɔ̃ ] n. m. • tiffon 1531; tifon 1571 (d apr. it. tifone); chin. dial. t ai fung « grand vent », par le port. tufaô, ar. tufân; typhon en 1643, par confus. avec typhan (1504), du gr. tuphon « tourbillon » ♦ Cyclone des mers de Chine et de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Typhon — TYPHON, ónis, Gr. Τυφὼν, ῶνος, (⇒ Tab. V.) 1 §. Namen. Diesen schreibt man bald Typhaon, bald Typhöus, bald auch wohl Typhos, Gr. Τυφῶς, und leitet ihn denn von dem griechischen Worte τύφειν her, welches soviel, als räuchern, oder entzünden,… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Typhon [1] — TYPHON, ónis, Gr. Τυφὼν, ῶνος. 1 §. Namen. Dieser ist wohl ursprünglich ägyptisch, und kann nach solcher Sprache aus Theu, der Wind oder Geist, und ph hou, böse oder schädlich, zusammen gesetzet seyn; da denn Theu ph hou einen bösen oder… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • typhon — 1. (ti fon) s. m. Nom qu on donne, dans les mers du Japon, à une sorte de tourbillon qui est fort dangereux pour la navigation. •   Plusieurs auteurs ont confondu le typhon avec l ouragan, BUFF. Hist. nat. pr. th. terr. Oeuv. t. II, p. 275.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Typhon — Typhon, Typhoeus Ein Über Drache mit hundert feuerspeienden Köpfen und hundert verschiedenen Stimmen, den Gaia* dem Tartaros* gebar. Zeus* bezwang das Monster in einem dramatischen Kampf und schleuderte es in die unterste Unterwelt (Hesiod,… …   Who's who in der antiken Mythologie

  • Typhon — Ty phon, n. [Gr. ?, and ?. See {Typhoon}.] (Class. Mythol.) 1. According to Hesiod, the son of Typhoeus, and father of the winds, but later identified with him. [1913 Webster] Note: By modern writers, Typhon is identified with the Egyptian Set,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • TYPHON — Gigas, de quo sic seribit Homer. Hymm. in Apoll. v. 300. s. Iunonem aegre ferentem, quod Iuppiter sine se ex capite Minervam peperisset, Caelum ac Terram precatam fuisle, omnesque Deos superos et inferos, ut posset et ipsa sine maris congressu… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • Typhon [1] — Typhon (Typhāon, Thyhos, Typhōeus), 1) Dichterbild, theils den verderblichen Sturm u. tödtenden Südwind, theils den heißen Dampf, wie er aus Erdspalten u. Vulkanen kommt, bezeichnend. Nach der Griechischen Mythe war T. der jüngste Sohn des… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Typhon [2] — Typhon, 1) so v.w. Wasserhose; 2) (engl. Typhoon), wirbelwindartiger Orkan in Südasien, eine Corrumpirung des chinesischen Wortes Teifuhn (s.d.). Einer der stärksten T e der neueren Zeit wehte 27. Juli 1862 in der chinesischen Provinz Canton u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Typhon [1] — Typhon (engl. typhoon), Wirbelsturm, s. Teifun …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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