
Turkestanian, adj., n.
/terr'keuh stan", -stahn"/, n.
a vast region in W and central Asia, E of the Caspian Sea: includes territory in the S central part of Xinjiang province in China (Eastern Turkestan or Chinese Turkestan), a strip of N Afghanistan, and the area (Russian Turkestan) comprising the republics of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan), Tadzhikistan (Tajikistan), Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Also, Turkistan.

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Kazakh  Türkistan 

      city, southern Kazakhstan, in the Syr Darya plain. An ancient centre of the caravan trade, it was known as Shavgar and later as Yasī. It became a religious centre known as Khazret (Hazrat) because of the 12th-century Sufi (Muslim mystic) Ahmed Yesevi, whose 14th-century mausoleum (World Heritage site) is the city's chief monument; a notable example of Timurid (Timurid Dynasty) architecture, the structure was made a World Heritage (World Heritage site) site in 2003. Captured by the Russians in 1864, Turkestan now has several industries. Pop. (1999) 85,600.

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