
/tuy bear"ee euhs/, n.
Lake. See Galilee, Sea of.

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Hebrew Teverya

Town (pop., 1995: 35,291) and resort, Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), northeastern Israel.

At 689 ft (210 m) below sea level, it is one of the lowest-lying towns in the world. Founded с AD 20 by Herod Antipas, it was named for the Roman emperor Tiberius. After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70, it became a centre of Jewish learning and later the seat of the Sanhedrin and rabbinical schools. The Talmud was edited there in the 3rd6th centuries. Saladin took the town from the Crusaders in 1187. The modern town was refounded under the British mandate in 1922 and became part of independent Israel in 1948. Historic sites include the tomb of the great Jewish scholar Moses Maimonides. It is one of the four holy cities of Judaism (See also Hebron; Jerusalem; Zefat).

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Hebrew  Teverya 
 city, northeastern Israel, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee; one of the four holy cities of Judaism (Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, Ẕefat [Safed]).

      Tiberias was founded by Herod Antipas (ruled 4 BCAD 39), tetrarch of Galilee under the Romans, in AD 18, and named for the reigning emperor Tiberius. Some traditions hold that it is built on the site of the biblical Rakkath, mentioned in Joshua 19. After the destruction of the Temple and the despoliation of Judaea by the Romans, Galilee became the chief Jewish centre of Palestine, and Tiberias, its principal city, grew in importance. The Sanhedrin, or supreme rabbinical tribunal, moved there, as did the important yeshivot (academies of Jewish scholarship). Much of the compilation of the Mishna was done there (3rd century); the Palestine, or Jerusalem, version of the Gemara was edited in Tiberias about 200 years later. Both are parts of the Talmud.

      The city later came under Byzantine rule and, in 636, was taken by the Arabs. The Jewish community continued to flourish. The presently accepted system of vocalization of the Hebrew language, the proper cantillation of the Scriptures for public reading, and the application of the above to preserve the text of the Old Testament in substantially the form known today were all developed in Tiberias in the 8th and 9th centuries. See Masoretic text.

      After the Battle of Ḥaṭṭīn (Ḥaṭṭīn, Battle of) (1187), when Saladin put an end to crusader power in Palestine, Tiberias declined in importance as the Arabs made Ẕefat their capital of Galilee. In 1560 the sultan Sulaymān the Magnificent granted Tiberias and its surroundings to Joseph Nasi (Nasi, Joseph), duke of Naxos, Jewish statesman and financier (152079); his attempts to promote settlement in the area, based on silkworm cultivation and sheepherding, failed. Tiberias was damaged by an earthquake in 1837; rebuilt, it grew steadily after the beginning of Jewish agricultural settlement in Galilee (1882). At the inception of the British Mandate (1922), the city already had a Jewish majority.

      Early in 1948, before Israel became independent, the Arabs of Tiberias cut the main road linking the Jewish settlements of Upper Galilee with those of the Jordan Valley and besieged the ancient Jewish quarter on the lakeshore within the walled city. Accordingly, the Haganah (Jewish defense forces) launched a successful attack on the Arab section, which was taken on April 18, 1948. The Arab population was evacuated by British troops at its own request. Tiberias was the first mixed (ArabJewish) city to be taken by the Haganah. In the years after the ArabIsraeli War, Tiberias absorbed many new immigrants to Israel.

      Among interesting sites are the tomb of Maimonides (Maimonides, Moses), renowned philosopher, codifier of Jewish law, and physician, who died in Egypt in 1204; and those of the Talmudic sages Yoḥanan ben Zakkai and Akiba ben Joseph. Just south of the city are the hot springs of Tiberias (Hebrew ammat or amei Teverya; from am, “hot”), known for over 2,000 years for their supposed medicinal qualities, and the adjacent tomb of Rabbi Meir, 2nd-century Talmudic authority, known as Rabbi Meir Baʿal ha-Nes (Rabbi Meir the Miracle-Worker). The combination of warm winter climate, thermal baths, and scenic views of lake and mountains make Tiberias Israel's most popular resort city. Hotels are found both along the lakeshore and on the slopes of Qiryat Shemuel (City of Samuel), Tiberias' upper residential quarter, laid out after 1920 and named for Sir Herbert (later Viscount) Samuel, the first British high commissioner for Palestine. There are textile industries and flour milling; fishing remains important.

      At the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias is about 689 ft (210 m) below sea level; it is one of the lowest lying cities of its size in the world. During archaeological excavations of 197576, the southern gate of the city built by Agrippa II and a network of sewerage and drainage pipes built in traditional Roman fashion were uncovered. Pop. (2004 est.) 39,900.

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