
threader, n.threadless, adj.threadlike, adj.
/thred/, n.
1. a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, esp. when composed of two or more filaments twisted together.
2. twisted filaments or fibers of any kind used for sewing.
3. one of the lengths of yarn forming the warp or weft of a woven fabric.
4. a filament or fiber of glass or other ductile substance.
5. Ropemaking.
a. any of a number of fibers twisted into a yarn.
b. a yarn, esp. as enumerated in describing small stuff.
6. something having the fineness or slenderness of a filament, as a thin continuous stream of liquid, a fine line of color, or a thin seam of ore: a thread of smoke.
7. the helical ridge of a screw.
8. that which runs through the whole course of something, connecting successive parts: I lost the thread of the story.
9. something conceived as being spun or continuously drawn out, as the course of life fabled to be spun, measured, and cut by the Fates.
10. Computers. a series of posts on a newsgroup dealing with the same subject.
11. threads, Slang. clothes.
12. to pass the end of a thread through the eye of (a needle).
13. to fix (beads, pearls, etc.) upon a thread that is passed through; string.
14. to pass continuously through the whole course of (something); pervade: A joyous quality threaded the whole symphony.
15. to make one's way through (a narrow passage, forest, crowd, etc.).
16. to make (one's way) thus: He threaded his way through the crowd.
17. to form a thread on or in (a bolt, hole, etc.).
18. to place and arrange thread, yarn, etc., in position on (a sewing machine, loom, textile machine, etc.).
19. to thread one's way, as through a passage or between obstacles: They threaded carefully along the narrow pass.
20. to move in a threadlike course; wind or twine.
21. Cookery. (of boiling syrup) to form a fine thread when poured from a spoon.
[bef. 900; (n.) ME threed, OE thraed; c. D draad, G Draht, ON thrathr wire; (v.) ME threeden, deriv. of the n. See THROW]

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Tightly twisted yarn consisting of several strands that has a circular cross-section and is used in commercial and home sewing machines and for hand sewing.

Thread is usually wound on spools, with thread size (degree of fineness) indicated on the spool end. Cotton thread can be used with fabrics made from yarn of plant origin, such as cotton and linen, and with rayon (made from cellulose, a plant substance). Silk thread is suitable for silks and wools, both of animal origin. Nylon and polyester threads are appropriate for synthetics and for knits with a high degree of stretch.

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 tightly twisted ply yarn having a circular cross section and used in commercial and home sewing machines and for hand sewing. Thread is usually wound on spools, with thread size, or degree of fineness, indicated on the spool end.

      Cotton thread is compatible with fabrics made from yarn of plant origin, such as cotton and linen, and for rayon, made from cellulose, a plant substance. Silk is suitable for silks and wools, both of animal origin; and nylon and polyester are appropriate for synthetics and for knits having a high degree of stretch.

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