
thickish, adj.thickly, adv.
/thik/, adj., thicker, thickest, adv., thicker, thickest, n.
1. having relatively great extent from one surface or side to the opposite; not thin: a thick slice.
2. measured, as specified, between opposite surfaces, from top to bottom, or in a direction perpendicular to that of the length and breadth; (of a solid having three general dimensions) measured across its smallest dimension: a board one inch thick.
3. composed of or containing objects, particles, etc., close together; dense: a thick fog; a thick forest.
4. filled, covered, or abounding (usually fol. by with): tables thick with dust.
5. husky or hoarse; not distinctly articulated: The patient's speech is still quite thick.
6. markedly so (as specified): a thick German accent.
7. deep or profound: thick darkness.
8. (of a liquid) heavy or viscous: a thick syrup.
9. Informal. close in friendship; intimate.
10. mentally slow; stupid; dull.
11. disagreeably excessive or exaggerated: They thought it a bit thick when he called himself a genius.
12. in a thick manner.
13. close together; closely packed: The roses grew thick along the path.
14. in a manner to produce something thick: Slice the cheese thick.
15. lay it on thick, Informal. to praise excessively; flatter: He's laying it on thick because he wants you to do him a favor.
16. the thickest, densest, or most crowded part: in the thick of the fight.
17. through thick and thin, under favorable and unfavorable conditions; steadfastly: We have been friends for 20 years, through thick and thin.
[bef. 900; (adj. and adv.) ME thikke, OE thicce; c. D dik, G dick; akin to ON thykkr (n.) ME, deriv. of the adj.]
Syn. 6. strong, pronounced, decided.

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