terra cotta

terra cotta
1. a hard, fired clay, brownish-red in color when unglazed, that is used for architectural ornaments and facings, structural units, pottery, and as a material for sculpture.
2. something made of terra cotta.
3. a brownish-orange color like that of unglazed terra cotta.
[1715-25; < It: lit., baked earth < L terra cocta]

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  • Terra cotta — (Italian: baked earth ) is a ceramic. Its uses include vessels, water waste water pipes and surface embellishment in building construction. The term is also used to refer to items made out of this material and to its natural, brownish orange… …   Wikipedia

  • Terra cotta — Terra Ter ra, n. [It. & L. See {Terrace}.] The earth; earth. [1913 Webster] {Terra alba} [L., white earth] (Com.), a white amorphous earthy substance consisting of burnt gypsum, aluminium silicate (kaolin), or some similar ingredient, as magnesia …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • terra-cotta — 1722, from It. terra cotta, lit. cooked earth, from terra earth (see TERRAIN (Cf. terrain)) + cotta baked, from L. cocta, fem. pp. of coquere (see COOK (Cf. cook) (n.)). As a color name for brownish red, attested from 1882 …   Etymology dictionary

  • terra cotta — [ter΄ə kät′ə] n. [It, lit., baked earth < L: see TERRA & COOK] 1. a hard, brown red, usually unglazed earthenware used for pottery, sculpture, etc. 2. its brown red color terra cotta adj …   English World dictionary

  • terra-cotta — [tɛʀakɔ(t)ta] n. f. ÉTYM. 1923; mot ital., de terra « terre », et cotta « cuite ». ❖ ♦ Techn. Argile dégraissée, fortement cuite, utilisée pour la décoration architecturale …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Terra cotta — (ital.), gebrannte Thonerde, deren Farbe bald lichter, bald dunkler roth ist, auch wohl nur gelblich, welche indeß durch Anstrich od. Firniß jede beliebige Farbe erhalten kann; sie war im Alterthum sehr gebräuchlich zu Geschirren, plastischen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Terra cotta — (ital.), s. Terrakotta …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Terra cotta — Terra cotta, ital. d.h. gebrannte Erde, bezeichnet die aufgefundenen antiken Arbeiten aus Thon (von Griechen, Etruskern, Römern), theils lufttrocken, theils gebrannt, mit aufgetragenen oder eingebrannten Farben, auch mit Vergoldungen und… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • terra-cotta — /ter euh kot euh/, adj. made of or having the color of terra cotta. [1865 70] * * * (Italian; baked earth ) Fairly coarse, porous clay that, when fired, assumes a colour ranging from dull ochre to red. Terra cotta objects are usually left… …   Universalium

  • terra-cotta — 1. noun a) An unglazed hard baked clay pottery b) A reddish brown colour, like that of terra cotta. 2. adjective Of a reddish brown colour, like that of terra cotta …   Wiktionary

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