
tartish, adj.tartishly, adv.tartly, adv.tartness, n.
/tahrt/, adj., tarter, tartest.
1. sharp to the taste; sour or acid: tart apples.
2. sharp in character, spirit, or expression; cutting; caustic: a tart remark.
[bef. 1000; ME; OE teart sharp, rough; akin to D tarten to defy, MHG traz defiance]
Syn. 2. barbed, biting.
/tahrt/, n.
1. a small pie filled with cooked fruit or other sweetened preparation, usually having no top crust.
2. a covered pie containing fruit or the like.
3. Slang. a prostitute or promiscuous woman.
4. tart up, Slang. to adorn, dress, or decorate, esp. in a flamboyant manner: The old restaurant was tarted up to look like a Viennese café.
[1350-1400; 1905-10 for def. 3; ME tarte < MF; cf. ML tarta]

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