- Tarkington
/tahr"king teuhn/, n.(Newton) Booth, 1869-1946, U.S. novelist and playwright.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Tarkington — is a name, which was used by the Vikings, an ancient Scandinavian people who migrated to England and then to the U.S.. They settled in Maryland, then Virginia, and later moved to Tyrrell County, North Carolina. Later they migirated to Texas and… … Wikipedia
Tarkington — [ tɑːkɪȖtən], Newton Booth, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Indianapolis (Indiana) 29. 7. 1869, ✝ ebenda 19. 5. 1946. In der Tradition des amerikanischen Realismus (W. D. Howells) schildern seine Romane v. a. soziologische und moralische… … Universal-Lexikon
Tarkington — Tarkington, Booth … Enciclopedia Universal
Tarkington — [tär′kiŋ tən] (Newton) Booth 1869 1946; U.S. novelist … English World dictionary
Tarkington Independent School District — is a public school district in north central Liberty County, Texas (USA). All 4 campuses are located on the same plot of land, with the High School facing County Road 2268, and the other three campus are along Farm to Market Road 163. The… … Wikipedia
Tarkington Prairie, Texas — Tarkington Prairie is a primarily rural unincorporated community spread out over approximately 238 square miles in northeastern Liberty County, Texas, United States. Educational services are provided by Tarkington ISD, fire protection by… … Wikipedia
Tarkington, Booth — (1869 1946) Best known for his novels, Newton Booth Tarkington, born in Indianapolis, Indiana, also wrote plays and some of his novels were adapted for the stage. Twenty one Tarkington plays were produced, and he was viewed as a romantic with… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater
Tarkington, Booth — ▪ American writer born July 29, 1869, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S. died May 19, 1946, Indianapolis American novelist and dramatist, best known for his satirical and sometimes romanticized pictures of American Midwesterners. Tarkington studied… … Universalium
Tarkington, (Newton) Booth — (29 jul. 1869, Indianápolis, Ind.,EE.UU.–19 may. 1946, Indianápolis). Novelista y dramaturgo estadounidense. Se le conoce por retratar con tintes satíricos, humorísticos y en ocasiones sentimentales a los habitantes del medio Oeste estadounidense … Enciclopedia Universal
Tarkington — biographical name (Newton) Booth 1869 1946 American novelist … New Collegiate Dictionary