Tariqah — ( ar. طريقه ArTranslit|Ṭarīqah; pl.: طرق; Ṭuruq or Persian: Tarighat, Turkish: Tarikat) means way , path or method. A tariqa is an Islamic religious order; in Sufism, it is conceptually related to Haqīqah, truth, the ineffable ideal that is the… … Wikipedia
tariqah — noun see tariqa * * * /teuh ree keuh/, n. Islam. 1. a system of rites for the spiritual training of a Sufi order. 2. any of the Sufi orders. Also, tariqa. [ < Ar tariqah lit., path] … Useful english dictionary
ṭarīqah — <FONT face=Tahoma>ṭ<>arīqah En el sufismo, el camino espiritual que lleva al conocimiento directo de Dios. Para los primeros místicos sufistas, el término se refería al camino espiritual de cada persona; posteriormente, fue el camino… … Enciclopedia Universal
tariqah — ta·ri·qah … English syllables
Islāmic world — Introduction prehistory and history of the Islamic community. Adherence to Islām is a global phenomenon: Muslims predominate in some 30 to 40 countries, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and along a belt that stretches across northern… … Universalium
Muhammad Tahir — Bakhshi Naqshbandi Full name Muhammad Tahir Bakhshi Naqshbandi Born January 6, 1962 Rahmatpur, Larkana, Pakistan Region Islamic scholar/Sufi School Sunni Islam, Hanafi, Sufi, Naqshbandi … Wikipedia
Nizari — Main article: Ismailism Part of a series on Shī‘ah Islam … Wikipedia
Miguel Asín Palacios — (1871–1944) was a Spanish scholar of Islamic studies and the Arabic language, and a Roman Catholic priest. He is primarily known for suggesting Muslim sources for ideas and motifs present in Dante s Divine Comedy, which he discusses in his book… … Wikipedia
Abbas Qadiri Boutchich — Sidi al Hajj al ‘Abbas Qadiri Boutchich est né en 1890 à Bouyahyi au sud de Ahfir, dans le Nord Est Marocain. À la mort de son père sidi boumadyene en 1914, Sidi ‘Abbas s employa à faire fonctionner la zawiya de Madagh en compagnie de son grand… … Wikipédia en Français
Sufism — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia