
/tan"euh greuh, teuh nag"reuh/, n.
a town in ancient Greece, in Boeotia: Spartan victory over the Athenians 457 B.C.

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Ancient town, Boeotia, eastern central Greece.

First occupied by an Athenian clan, it became the chief town of the eastern Boeotians, with lands extending to the Gulf of Euboea. It was the scene of the Athenian defeat by the Spartans in 457 BC during the first Peloponnesian War. Finely modeled terra-cotta statuettes, known as Tanagra figures, were made there с 340150 BC and exported to Mediterranean countries.

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Modern Greek  Tanágra,  

      city of ancient Boeotia, Greece. It is situated in northern Attica on the left bank of the Asopós River near Thebes and Chalcis (Khalkis). The nearly circular hill of the ancient ruined city, just southeast of the present village, was first occupied by the Gephyreans, an Athenian clan. It rose subsequently to be the chief town of the eastern Boeotians, with lands extending to the Gulf of Euboea.

      An early rival of Thebes, Tanagra probably assumed leadership of the Boeotian confederacy following the Greco-Persian Wars when it took over the clay-working industry of devastated Thebes. During the first Peloponnesian War in 457 BC, Athens and its allies lost a battle at Tanagra to Sparta and its allies, thus precipitating a decline from which Tanagra revived only in the Hellenistic period; in Roman times it was the cultural centre of Boeotia.

      There is little left of ancient Tanagra (Tanagra figurine) save its ruined walls and gates, but the Tanagra site is known for the discovery in 1874 of a large cache of finely modeled, cast terra-cotta figurines. Bearing traces of their original blue-and-pink patina, the delicate pieces were widely imitated in their own time, with Tanagra work spanning the period from about 340 to 150 BC. The earliest figurines unearthed from the necropolis along the Asopós River focus on divinities; later pieces represent a variety of familial and domestic themes, particularly the female Graces. The finest examples, from the late 4th and 3rd centuries, compare favourably with the life-size work of the great masters of classical Greece, which they not infrequently imitated.

      A large aircraft maintenance and repair industry was set up in 1979 not far from Tanagra. Pop. (1981) 1,097.

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