- storm
—stormlike, adj./stawrm/, n.1. a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere, manifesting itself by winds of unusual force or direction, often accompanied by rain, snow, hail, thunder, and lightning, or flying sand or dust.2. a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, or a violent outbreak of thunder and lightning, unaccompanied by strong winds.4. a violent military assault on a fortified place, strong position, or the like.5. a heavy or sudden volley or discharge: a storm of criticism; a storm of bullets.6. a violent disturbance of affairs, as a civil, political, social, or domestic commotion.7. a violent outburst or outbreak of expression: a storm of applause.v.i.10. (of the wind or weather) to blow with unusual force, or to rain, snow, hail, etc., esp. with violence (usually used impersonally with it as subject): It stormed all day.11. to rage or complain with violence or fury: He stormed angrily at me.12. to deliver a violent attack or fire, as with artillery: The troops stormed against the garrison.13. to rush to an assault or attack: The tanks stormed towards the city.14. to rush angrily: to storm out of a room.v.t.15. to subject to or as if to a storm: The salesman stormed them with offers.16. to utter or say with angry vehemence: The strikers stormed their demands.17. to attack or assault (persons, places, or things): to storm a fortress.[bef. 900; (n.) ME, OE; c. D storm, G Sturm, ON stormr; (v.) ME stormen, deriv. of the n. (cf. obs. sturme, ME sturmen, OE styrman, denominative v. from the same Gmc base as storm); akin to STIR1]
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(as used in expressions)storm and stressStorm Troopers* * *
violent atmospheric disturbance, characterized by low barometric pressure, cloud cover, precipitation, strong winds, and possibly lightning and thunder.Storm is a generic term, popularly used to describe a large variety of atmospheric disturbances, ranging from ordinary rain showers and snowstorms to thunderstorms, wind and wind-related disturbances, such as gales, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, and sandstorms.In meteorological terminology storm is restricted to a cyclone with a strong low pressure centre, strong winds, ranging from 103–117 kilometres per hour (64–73 miles per hour), accompanied by heavy precipitation, and at times, lightning and thunder. For specific types of storms, see thunderstorm; tornado; tropical cyclone.* * *
Universalium. 2010.