soil rot

soil rot
Plant Pathol.
pox (def. 3).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • soil rot — noun : a rot caused by organisms in the soil; specifically : pox of sweet potatoes * * * Plant Pathol. pox (def. 3) …   Useful english dictionary

  • rot — /rot/, v., rotted, rotting, n., interj. v.i. 1. to undergo decomposition; decay. 2. to deteriorate, disintegrate, fall, or become weak due to decay (often fol. by away, from, off, etc.). 3. to languish, as in confinement. 4. to become morally… …   Universalium

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  • ROT — rule of thumb. * * * ▪ plant disease also called  decay        any of several plant diseases, caused by any of hundreds of species of soil borne bacteria and fungi. They are characterized by plant decomposition and putrefaction. The decay may be… …   Universalium

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  • soil — I n 1. ground, earth, Archaic. glebe, turf, marl, loam, humus; clay, dirt, dust. 2. country, land, region; property, premises. II v 1. dirty, stain, spot, maculate, smudge, muddy, sully; splash, spatter, Inf. slop up, Inf. foul up; bedraggle,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Root rot — is a condition found in both indoor and outdoor plants, although more common in indoor plants with poor drainage. As the name states, the roots of the plant rot. Usually, this is a result of overwatering. In houseplants, it is a very common… …   Wikipedia

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