
/skayn/, n.
1. a length of yarn or thread wound on a reel or swift preparatory for use in manufacturing.
2. anything wound in or resembling such a coil: a skein of hair.
3. something suggestive of the twistings of a skein: an incoherent skein of words.
4. a flock of geese, ducks, or the like, in flight.
5. a succession or series of similar or interrelated things: a skein of tennis victories.
[1400-50; late ME skeyne, skayne < MF escaigne < ?]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Skein — may refer to:* A long coil of yarn or hair intended for weaving, dyeing, or heat setting. Yarn sold in skeins often needs to be re wound into spools or balls using a swift depending on the application. A skein is not a specific unit of length. *… …   Wikipedia

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  • skein — [skeın] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: escaigne] 1.) a long loosely wound piece of thread, wool, or ↑yarn 2.) literary a complicated series of things that are related to each other = ↑web ▪ a skein of lies …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Skein — Skein, n. (Zo[ o]l.) A flight of wild fowl (wild geese or the like). [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • skein — [skān] n. [ME skeyn < MFr escaigne] 1. a) a quantity of thread or yarn wound in a coil b) something like this, as a coil of hair 2. a flock of wild fowl 3. a sequence of events, esp. a series of games won or lost by a team [a 20 game winning… …   English World dictionary

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  • skein — mid 15c., from M.Fr. escaigne a hank of yarn, from O.Fr. escagne (mid 14c.), of uncertain origin …   Etymology dictionary

  • skein — ► NOUN 1) a length of thread or yarn, loosely coiled and knotted. 2) a flock of wild geese or swans in flight. ORIGIN Old French escaigne …   English terms dictionary

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