
/shreev"pawrt', -pohrt'/, n.
a city in NW Louisiana, on the Red River. 205,815.

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City (pop., 2000: 200,145), northwestern Louisiana, U.S. It is located on the banks of the Red River.

In 1837 Shreveport was founded on land bought from the Caddo Indians. The city became a Confederate state capital and army headquarters during the American Civil War. It developed rapidly after oil was discovered in 1906 and is now a commercial and industrial centre for a three-state region. Barksdale Air Force Base is near the city.

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      city, seat (1838) of Caddo parish, northwestern corner of Louisiana, U.S., on the Red River, opposite Bossier City. In 1835 Henry Miller Shreve (Shreve, Henry Miller), a river captain and steamboat builder, opened the Red River for navigation by clearing it of a 165-mile (266-km) jam of natural debris called the Great Raft. In 1837 he helped found the city on lands bought from members of the Caddo confederacy in 1835. Cotton and river traffic served as the basis of the town's economic growth. At the end of the American Civil War, Shreveport was the Confederate state capital and headquarters for the Trans-Mississippi forces of the Confederacy. By 1900 the railroads had arrived, and river commerce, impeded by silt, had declined. In 1906 oil was discovered, and the city boomed.

      Shreveport is now the commercial and industrial centre for a three-state region (known as the Ark-La-Tex). Important products include petroleum, natural gas, chemicals, iron and steel products, cotton, and lumber. In the 1970s the Red River was again rehabilitated to allow navigation of barge traffic from the Gulf to the city. Barksdale Air Force Base is 3 miles (5 km) to the southeast. The city is the seat of Centenary College of Louisiana (1825), Southern University in Shreveport (1964), and Louisiana State University in Shreveport (1965). The Louisiana State Fair, a spring festival, “Holiday in Dixie,” and theRed River Revel,” an arts and crafts fair, are major annual events. Inc. town, 1839; city, 1878. Pop. (1990) city, 198,525; ShreveportBossier City MSA, 376,330; (2000) city, 200,145; ShreveportBossier City MSA, 392,302.

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