
Ashk. /shahkh"rddis/; Seph. /shah khah rddeet"/, n. Hebrew.
the religious service celebrated by Jews every morning.
Also, Shaharit, Shaharis, Shacharith. Cf. Maariv, Minhah.
[Shaharith lit., morning time]

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also spelled  Shaharit, Shacharit, or Shacharith,  Hebrew  Shaḥarit  

      (“dawn”), in Judaism, the first of three periods of daily prayer; the other daily services are minhah and maarib. They are all ideally recited in the synagogue so that a quorum (minyan) can be formed to pray as a corporate body representing “Israel.” Shaharith is considered a substitute for the dawn sacrifice formerly offered each day in the Temple of Jerusalem, but ancient tradition credits Abraham with its institution (Genesis 22:3).

      Shaharith is the most elaborate of the daily prayer services and includes at least six basic parts: (1) the morning benedictions, with biblical and rabbinic passages that serve to fulfill the minimum study of the Torah (sacred scripture) for that day; (2) a collection of biblical passages, largely from the Psalms, called “verses of song” (pesuqe de-zimra); (3) the Shema, the central affirmation of the unity and indivisibility of God; (4) the amidah, a series of benedictions; (5) Psalms 145 and 20 and a prayer beginning “May the Redeemer come to Zion” (u-va le-Ẕiyyon), which is largely made up of biblical quotations; and (6) the alenuʿ prayer, which proclaims God's choice of Israel for divine service and also proclaims the universality of God's rule over all creation.

      Although these are the chief elements of shaharith, changes and variations occur. On the sabbath and on holidays and fast days, for example, there is public reading of the Torah, and on Mondays and Thursdays special penitential prayers (tahanun) are added.

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Universalium. 2010.

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