- settle
v.t.1. to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions).2. to place in a desired state or in order: to settle one's affairs.3. to pay, as a bill.4. to close (an account) by payment.6. to cause to take up residence: They settled immigrants in urban areas.7. to furnish (a place) with inhabitants or settlers: The French settled this colony with army veterans.9. to stop from annoying or opposing: A sharp word will settle that youngster.10. to conclude or resolve: to settle a dispute.11. to make stable; place in a permanent position or on a permanent basis.12. to cause (a liquid) to become clear by depositing dregs.14. to cause to sink down gradually; make firm or compact.15. to dispose of finally; close up: to settle an estate.16. Law.b. to terminate (legal proceedings) by mutual consent of the parties.v.i.18. to arrange matters in dispute; come to an agreement: to settle with a person.19. to pay a bill; make a financial arrangement (often fol. by up).20. to take up residence in a new country or place: Many Frenchmen settled along the Mississippi River following La Salle's explorations.21. to come to rest, as from flight: A bird settled on a bough.22. to gather, collect, or become fixed in a particular place, direction, etc.: A cold settled in my head.23. to become calm or composed (often fol. by down): I'll wait until the class settles before starting the lesson.25. to sink down gradually; subside.26. to become clear by the sinking of suspended particles, as a liquid.27. to sink to the bottom, as sediment.28. to become firm or compact, as the ground.29. (of a female animal) to become pregnant; conceive.30. settle down,a. to become established in some routine, esp. upon marrying, after a period of independence or indecision.b. to become calm or quiet.c. to apply oneself to serious work: There were so many distractions that we weren't able to settle down to studying.31. settle for, to be satisfied with: to settle for less.32. settle into, to become established in: to settle into a new routine.[bef. 1000; ME set(t)len, OE setlan (attested once) to place, deriv. of setl SETTLE2; cf. D zetelen]Syn. 1. set, establish. 4. liquidate. 6. relocate. 7. people, colonize. 9. tranquilize, compose, still, pacify. 11. stabilize, establish, confirm. 20. locate, relocate. 25. decline, fall, abate.settle2/set"l/, n.a long seat or bench, usually wooden, with arms and a high back.[bef. 900; ME: seat, sitting place, OE setl; c. G Sessel armchair, Goth sitls seat, L sella saddle; akin to SIT1]
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long wooden bench with backrest and arms, designed to seat several people. Originating in Europe in the 10th century, it was apparently derived from the chest, a resemblance often retained, with additional elements based on the monastic choir stall. It could be used for a variety of purposes: as a seat, a bed, a chest, and, in examples with a hinged backrest that can be turned down to rest on the arms, a table. Other additions to the basic shape were a footrest and sconces at the side or back to accommodate candles. The height of the backrest varied considerably and sometimes extended down to the floor. Both back and sides were usually paneled or ornamented (or both) with traditional carved patterns.Although usually freestanding, settles were occasionally incorporated into the structure of a room, sometimes designed to fill a corner. By the 15th century they had become standard articles of furniture in inns and taverns, where they were usually provided with shelves protruding from the armrests, on which customers could rest their tankards. By the end of the 17th century, domestic versions had nailed-on leather upholstery, and for greater comfort the backrest was inclined. Surviving mainly in rural areas throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, settles became popular again with the historicizing movements in design during the early part of the 20th century, especially in the United States. A spindled variety resembling an extended Windsor chair was sometimes called a schoolmaster's, or parson's, bench.* * *
Universalium. 2010.