
serenader, n.
/ser'euh nayd"/, n., v., serenaded, serenading.
1. a complimentary performance of vocal or instrumental music in the open air at night, as by a lover under the window of his lady.
2. a piece of music suitable for such performance.
3. serenata (def. 2).
v.t., v.i.
4. to entertain with or perform a serenade.
[1640-50; < F sérénade < It serenata; see SERENATA]

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      originally, a nocturnal song of courtship, and later, beginning in the late 18th century, a short suite of instrumental pieces, similar to the divertimento, cassation, and notturno. An example of the first type in art music is the serenadeDeh! vieni alla finestra” (“Oh, Come to the Window”), from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Don Giovanni. The instrumental serenade gradually lost its association with courtship and became (about 1770) primarily a collection of light pieces such as dances and marches suitable for open-air, evening performance.

      Mozart wrote several serenades for a variety of ensembles, as did subsequently Franz Schubert, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and Max Reger. In the 20th century Igor Stravinsky (Stravinsky, Igor) seized upon the traditional lightness of the genre when he called one of his neoclassical keyboard compositions Serenade (1925). Benjamin Britten's Serenade, Opus 31 (1943), is a song cycle about evening.

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