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Grattan, Henry — born July 3, 1746, Dublin, Ire. died June 6, 1820, London, Eng. Irish politician. He entered the Irish Parliament in 1775 and, as a brilliant orator, soon became the leading spokesperson of the Irish nationalist agitation. His movement gained… … Universalium
Grattan, Henry — (3 jul. 1746, Dublín, Irlanda–6 jun. 1820, Londres, Inglaterra). Político irlandés. Ingresó al Parlamento irlandés en 1775. Brillante orador, pronto se convirtió en el principal vocero de la agitación nacionalista irlandesa. Su movimiento cobró… … Enciclopedia Universal
GRATTAN, HENRY — great Irish patriot and orator, born in Dublin, and by birth a Protestant; studied at Trinity College, where he stood high in classics; was called to the Irish bar in 1772, and entered the Irish Parliament three years after, where he… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Henry Grattan — (3 juillet 1746 – 6 juin 1821) était un membre de la chambre des communes irlandaise. Il fut le chef du mouvement qui força la Grande Bretagne à accorder l indépendance législative à l Irlande en 1782. Il s opposa aussi à l Acte d Union de 1800,… … Wikipédia en Français
Henry Grattan — (3 de julio de 1746 6 de junio de 1820 fue un miembro de la Cámara Irlandesa de los Comunes y un defensor de la libertad legislativa del Parlamento Irlandés a finales del siglo XVIII. Se opuso al Acta de Unión que fusionaba los reinos de Irlanda… … Wikipedia Español
GRATTAN (H.) — GRATTAN HENRY (1746 1820) Avocat et homme politique irlandais. Entré au parlement de l’Irlande en 1775, Henry Grattan a été pendant plus de vingt cinq ans le défenseur éloquent de l’indépendance de l’île et le partisan d’une émancipation au moins … Encyclopédie Universelle
Grattan H. Wheeler — Grattan Henry Wheeler (August 25, 1783 March 11, 1852) was a U.S. Representative from New York.Born near Providence, Rhode Island, Wheeler attended public and preparatory schools.He moved to New York with his parents, who settled in Steuben… … Wikipedia
henry — /hen ree/, n., pl. henries, henrys. Elect. the SI unit of inductance, formally defined to be the inductance of a closed circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies uniformly at a … Universalium
Henry — /hen ree/, n. 1. Joseph, 1797 1878, U.S. physicist. 2. O., pen name of William Sydney Porter. 3. Patrick, 1736 99, American patriot, orator, and statesman. 4. Cape, a cape in SE Virginia at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. 5. Fort. See … Universalium
Henry — ► sustantivo masculino ELECTRICIDAD Denominación del henrio en la nomenclatura internacional. IRREG. plural henrys * * * henrio o henry (de J. Henry, físico inglés) m. Fís. Unidad de inductancia eléctrica en el Sistema Internacional. * * * … Enciclopedia Universal